Volume II : page 383

8vo. 224 leaves, publisher’s advertisement on the last leaf.
Marvin, page 221.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 42, 3.
Clarke, page 253, no. 5.
Rebound in calf, with the original red silk bookmark; some marginal notes cut into. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. The name of the author inserted in ink after his initials, not by Jefferson.
Henry Conset, English lawyer. The previous editions of this book were printed in 1685 and 1700 respectively. The Epistola Dedicatoria reprinted in this edition, was dated from York: Eborac Dat. Calend. Martii, Anno Salutis M. DC. LCCCI.
J. 19
Clarke’s praxis in curiis ecclesiasticis. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 87. no. 14, as above, 4to. p.
CLERKE, Francis.
Praxis Francisci Clarke, tam jus dicentibus quam aliis ominbus [ sic -- Ed. ] qui in foro ecclesiastico versantur apprime utilis. Per Thomam Bladen S. T. D. Decanum Ardfertensim, Illustrissimo Principi, Jacobo Duci Ormoniæ, &c. Proregi Hiberniæ a Sacris. Primo in lucem edita, diligenterque recognita, & a quamplurimis mendis repurgata cum indice satis amplo. Editio secunda priori multo castigatior. Londini: excudebat T. B. Impensis Hannah Sawbridge, 1684.
Law 186
4to. 226 leaves.
STC C4443.
Not in Marvin.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 135, 3.
Rebound in calf. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Francis Clerke, f. 1594, English civilian. This work was finished in 1596, but not published until after the author’s death. As pointed out in the note to the Praxis curiæ Admiralitatis the STC does not distinguish between these two books, and, listing the three editions of the former work above this one, describes this as the “Second Edition” in inverted commas. It is correctly described as the second edition. The first edition was published in Dublin in 1666 and no other editions appeared until this one of 1684. The other entries in the STC refer to the Praxis curiæ Admiralitatis. This edition was edited by Thomas Bladen. See also no. 2111.

Volume II : page 383

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