fires & mobs of Birmingham. he is one of the ablest men in America, & that in several branches of science. the law opinion
which he mentions, I have recieved, and a more luminous one has not been seen. it will produce a revolution of opinion on
the question treated, not in the present day, because old lawyers like old physicians & other old men never change opinions
which it has cost them the whole labours of their youth to form. but when the young lawyers get on the bench they will carry
Cooper’s doctrine with them. the best pieces on political economy which have been written in this country were by Cooper.
he is a great chymist, and now proposes to resume his mineralogical studies . . . be so good as to return me the inclosed
. . .
In a letter to Jefferson from Northumberland September 14, 1810, Cooper mentioned: “. . . I have the satisfaction to say, that the
Bar of Philadelphia has nearly come round to my Opinion in the Insurance case . . .”
For a note on Thomas Cooper see no. 853.
Alexander James Dallas, 1759-1817, lawyer and secretary of the Treasury, was a native of Jamaica.
Cartouche, 1693-1721, the head of a band of French robbers. His real name was Louis-Dominique Bourguinon, and he was eventually assassinated (“roué vif”).
Blackbeard was a pirate, killed in 1718 by Robert Maynard. In contemporary documents his name is given as Edward Thatch or Teach.
For Joseph Carrington Cabell, see no. 1125.
Us et Coustumes de la mer. sc.
Roole des Jugemens d’Oleron.
Ordonnances de Wisby et de la Hanse-Teutonique.
le Guidon.
}par Clairac
Assurances d’Anvers et d’Amsterdam.
Jurisdiction de la Marine et Navigation des rivieres.
1815 Catalogue, page 86. no. 14, Us et Coustumes de la mer. sc. Jugemens d’Oleron, Ordonannces de Wisby et de la Hanse-Teutonique,
le Guidon, Assurances d’Anvers Marine et Navigation, par Cleirae,
] 4to.
Vs, et covstvmes de la mer. Divisées en trois parties. I. De la Nauigation. II. Du Commerce Naual, & contracts maritimes.
III. De la Iurisdiction de la Marine. Auec vn traicté des termes de marine, & reglemens de la nauigation des fleuues & riuieres.
Le tout reueu, corrigé & augmenté par l’autheur en cette derniere Edition.
Bovrdeavx: Par
Iacqves Mongiron Millanges,
JX4408 .C6
4to. 352 leaves collating in fours. The
Explication des Termes has separate title-page (with woodcut ship device, and imprint dated 1660), pagination and signatures, and is placed between
sig. Ffff and Gggg, after which the signatures continued to Hhhh
Barbier IV, 901.
Not in Quérard.
Entered with the price,
3. on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue.
Estienne Cleirac, 1583-1657, French juriconsulte and publiciste. The first edition of this work was published in Bordeaux in 1647.
Scriptores de Jure Maritimo. sc. Stypmannus, Kuricke, Loccenius, Heineccius.
1815 Catalogue, page 86, unnumbered, as above.
Scriptorvm de Ivre Navtico et Maritimo fascicvlvs Io. Franc. Stypmanni Ivs Maritimvm et Navticvm Reinoldi Kvricke de Adsecvrationibvs
diatriben et Io. Loccenii Ivs Maritimvm complexvs. Praefationem de Ivrisprvdentia, divinarvm