Volume II : page 349

Second. By George Andrews, Esq; of the Middle Temple. [ London] In the Savoy: Printed by Henry Lintot , for John Worrall, mdccliv . [1754]
Law 57
First Edition. Folio. 223 leaves collating in twos, publisher’s list of law books on the verso of the first leaf, recto blank.
Marvin, page 61.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 87, 1.
Clarke, page 347, no. 7.
Middle Temple Library Catalogue, page 21.
Old calf, rebacked and repaired, with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate preserved and inlaid in the new linings; some leaves foxed. Inserted at the beginning is an ALS from Jas. Feild, Petersburg, 28 Aug. 1787, to George K. Taylor, Williamsburg, and lists in the autograph of George Wythe.
From the library of George Wythe, part of his bequest to Jefferson.
George Andrews, fl. 1776, English barrister of the Middle Temple.
J. 288
Blackstone’s reports. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 82. no. 149, Blackstone, 2 v. 8vo. 20, G. 2--20, G. 3.
BLACKSTONE, Sir William.
Reports of Cases determined in the several Courts of Westminster-Hall, from 1746 to 1779. Taken and compiled by the Honourable Sir William Blackstone, Knt. late one of the Justices of His Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas. Published according to the direction in his will, from his original manuscript, by his executors. With a Preface, containing memoirs of his Life. In two volumes. Vol. I [-II]. Dublin: Printed for Messrs. Chamberlaine, Colles, Lynch [and others], m,dcc,lxxxix . [1789]
Law 60
2 vol. 8vo. 383 and 360 leaves collating in eights.
Marvin, page 126.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 87, 5.
This edition not in Clarke.
See Eller, The William Blackstone Collection in the Yale Law Library, p. 91, no. 225.
Vol. I in old calf, vol. II in sheep, both rebacked. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T, and with one or two manuscript references by him. With the autograph signature of J. W. Eppes on the title-page, and with the 1815 bookplate underneath the new endpapers.
On Jefferson’s list to be purchased from Dublin, see no. 1716 and 1737.
John Clitherow, the editor of this work, was Blackstone’s brother-in-law and executor. This edition is probably pirated.
J. 289
Douglas’s rep. 3. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 82. no. 150, Douglass, 8vo. 19, G. 3--21, G. 3.
DOUGLAS, Sylvester.
Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King’s Bench; in the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first years of the Reign of George III. By Sylvester Douglas Esq; of Lincoln’s Inn. The second edition, with additions and corrections. Part I . . .--[Additions to Reports of Cases . . .] Dublin: Printed for Elizabeth Lynch, 1789, 1791.
Law 75

Volume II : page 349

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