Volume II : page 339

J. 265
1815 Catalogue, page 81. no. 280, as above, fol.
HARDRES, Sir Thomas.
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of Exchequer, in the years 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, and 1660. And from thence continued to the 21 st. year of the reign of his late Majesty King Charles II. The whole taken and collected by Sir Thomas Hardres K t. late of Grays-Inn, and Serjeant at Law to his said Majesty King Charles the Second. London: Printed by the Assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkins Esquires, for Christopher Wilkinson, Samuel Heyrick , and Mary Tonson, 1693.
Law 84
First Edition. Folio. 238 leaves collating in fours; printed in black letter.
STC H703.
Marvin, page 367.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 100, 5.
Clarke, page 361, no. 114.
Calf, rebacked and repaired with new endpapers. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
Sir Thomas Hardres, 1610-1681, serjeant-at-law.
Siderfin...........................................................(1657). 8.Car.2.--22.Car.2.
1815 Catalogue, page 81. no. 281, Siderfin, fol. 8, Car. 2--22, Car. 2.
SIDERFIN, Sir Thomas.
Les Reports des divers special cases argue & adjudge en le Court del Bank le Roy et auxy en le Co. Ba. & l’Exchequer en les premier dix ans apres le restauration del son tres-excellent Majesty Le Roy Charles le II. Colligees par Tho. Siderfin Esq; jades del Melieu-Temple Londres. Imprimee par l’Original south son maine propre en Francois, et ore publie en mesme le Language ovesq; deux tables perfaicts faites par luy mesme des touts les matiers notables, et nosmes del cases contenus en yceaux. London: Printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and H. Sawbridge , assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins , esquires. For Samuel Keble, mdclxxxiii .-- Le second part {mes les primer en temps.} de les Reports du Thomas Siderfin . . . esteant plusieurs cases come ils estoyent argue et adjudgees en le Court del Upper Banck, en les ans 1657, 1658 & 1659 . . . ib. for Samuel Keble, and Daniel Brown, mdclxxxiv . [London, 1683, 4.]
First Edition. 2 parts in 1; 278 (including the last blank) and 99 leaves, collating chiefly in fours, printed in black letter.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 96, 63.
Clarke, page 376.
STC S3757, S3758.
A copy of part II only, from the library of George Wythe, now in the Library of Congress has been rebound and Wythe’s bookplate preserved. In view of the fact that the copy sold by Jefferson to Congress in 1815 was of the two parts in one volume, it seems unlikely that the Wythe copy formed part of this collection.
Sir Thomas Siderfin, fl. 1684, law reporter.
J. 267
1815 Catalogue, page 81. no. 282, as above, fol.
SAUNDERS, Sir Edmund.
Les Reports du tres erudite Edmund Saunders Chivalier, nadgairs Seigniour

Volume II : page 339

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