Volume II : page 333

le temps del Regne de tresillustres Roys Jaques et Charles le premier: Jammais par cy devant imprimee. Ovesq; un Table bien perfaict de matieres notables contenues en les dits reports et cases. Et auxsi un auter table de nosmes del cases contenues en yceaux. Publies en le xiii. au [ sic -- Ed. ] de treshaut et renosmes Charles le Second par le grace de Deiu [ sic -- Ed. ] Roy d’Angleterre, Scoce, Fr. et Irel. Le Restituteur et Conservateur de la Ley . . . London: Printed for Timothy Twyford, m. dc. lxi . [1661]
Law 59
Folio. 100 leaves, printed in black letter; publisher’s advertisement on the verso of the last leaf.
STC B1871.
Marvin, page 111.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 195, 6.
Clarke, page 349, no. 24.
Old calf, rebacked and repaired, with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate and that of Peyton Randolph preserved and inlaid in the new endpapers. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. Ii and Tt. On the verso of the title-page the armorial bookplate of Richard Butler of Lincolns Inn Esq r 1703.
This book is “New Bendlowes” and is wrongly described by Jefferson, followed by the 1815 catalogue, as Benloe. [ Old.]
J. 251
1815 Catalogue, page 81. no. 270, Ley, fol. 6, Jac. 1--3, Car. 1.
LEY, James, earl of marlborough.
Reports of divers resolutions in Lavv, arising upon cases in the Court of Wards, and other Courts at Westminster, in the Reigns of the late Kings, King James and King Charles. Collected by the Right Honorable, Sir James Ley, Knight and Baronet, Earl of Marlborough, &c. whilst he was Attorney of the Courts of Wards and Liveries and now published for the common good, according to his Lordships Manuscript. With two exact tables, the one of the cases, and the other of the principal matters therein contained. London: Printed by Tho. Roycroft for H. Twyford, Tho. Dring , and Jo. Place, 1659.
Law 101
First Edition. Folio. 62 leaves; engraved portrait (lacking in this copy); black letter; the last alphabet for Instructions for our Master of our Wards and Liveries, for the better authorizing and directing of him in the Execution of his Office, and Performance of our Service , with caption title and separate pagination.
STC L688.
Marvin, page 463.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 223, 5.
Clarke, page 364, no. 139.
Rebound in half calf; with the bookplate of Peyton Randolph preserved and pasted on the new endpaper. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. On the verso of the title-page is written in an early hand an account of the author copied from Woods Athenae Oxon. 526. Manuscript notes in the same hand occur (possibly that of Sir John Randolph).
James Ley, Earl of Marlborough, 1550-1629, judge and politician, was attorney of the court of wards and liveries from 1608-1610. He was an early member of the Elizabethan Society of Antiquaries before which he read several papers, and a tribute was paid him by Milton in a sonnet to his daughter Margaret.
J. 252
1815 Catalogue, page 81. no. 271, as above, fol.
PALMER, Sir Geoffrey.
Les Reports de Sir Gefrey Palmer, Chevalier & Baronet; Attorney General a son Tres Excellent Majesty le Roy Charles Le Second. Imprime & publie per l’original.

Volume II : page 333

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