Volume II : page 26

Londres. mdcclxxii . [ Amsterdam 1772.]
BL2773 .H6
The entry is omitted from the later catalogues. Jefferson ordered a separate edition of the work “ said to be by Diderot,” in petit format, from Dufief in a letter written from Washington on April 10, 1802.
Dufief acknowledged the order on April 14.
The work is an abridgment of the Système de la nature .
J. 56
Les causes premieres, sc. Ocellus Lucanus, Timaeus Locrus et Aristoteles de mundo. Gr. Fr. par l’Abbé Batteux. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 58. no. 77, as above.
BATTEUX, Charles.
Histoire des causes premieres, ou exposition sommaire des pensées des philosophes sur les principes des êtres. Par M. l’Abbé Batteux . . . A Paris: chez Saillant, 1769-- Ocellus Lucanus, De la Nature de l’univers, avec la Traduction Françoise & des Remarques, par M. l’Abbé Batteux . . . ib , 1768-- Lettre d’Aristote a Alexandre, sur le Systême du monde, avec la Traduction & des remarques, par M. l’Abbé Batteux . . . ib , 1768. Avec Approbation & Permission.
BD532 .B3, B235 .O33 .O25, PA3892 .M7 [ sic -- Ed. ]
First Edition. Together 3 vol. 8vo. 238, 63, and 78 leaves, Greek and French text on opposite pages in Ocellus and Aristotle; Fautes a corriger in the three volumes at the end of the last part (Aristotle).
Brunet III, 546.
Quérard I, 215.
Originally bound in 2 volumes; rebound in 3 volumes in half morocco, original marbled edges preserved. Batteux and Aristotle initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T, Ocellus not initialled; a note in Jefferson’s hand on pages 16 and 17 of Ocellus and of Aristotle.
Les causes premieres de l’Abbe Batteux. 2.v. 8vo. is entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 14.0.
In a letter to John Adams from Monticello on August 22, 1813, with reference to Priestley’s Comparative view of the doctrines of the Philosophers of antiquity, and of Jesus , Jefferson wrote: “ . . . the abbé Batteux had in fact laid the foundation of this part, in his Causes premieres; with which he has given us the originals of Ocellus, and Timaeus, who first committed the doctrines of Pythagoras to writing . . .
Again on January 24, 1814, during the same philosophical discussion he wrote: “ . . . your account of D’Argens’ Ocellus makes me wish for him also. Ocellus furnishes a fruitful text for a sensible and learned commentator. The Abbé Batteux’, which I have, is a meagre thing . . .
Charles Batteux, 1713-1780, French philosopher and writer on aesthetics. This early attempt at a history of philosophy was the cause of its author’s losing his professorial chair in the Collège de France.
Ocellus Lucanus, 5th century B.C., a Pythagorean philosopher.
J. 57
La certitude des preuves du Mahometisme. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 57. no. 49, as above.
[CLOOTS, Jean Baptiste, baron de.]
La certitude des preuves du Mahométisme, ou réfutation de l’examen critique des apologistes de la religion mahométane. Par Ali-Gier-Ber, Alfaki, ou docteur

Volume II : page 26

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