that precisely the volume containing my printed laws from 1734. to 1772. is not in the library. having recieved often applications
from courts & individuals for copies from that volume, I imagine it has been trusted to some one in the neighborhood to copy
some act, & not returned. I shall immediately enquire for it & hold it at your service . . .
On July 31 Hening wrote: “. . . Of the MSS. received from you, those containing the laws from 1639 to 1660 inclusive, were deficient, except the acts
of a few Sessions: contained in the MS. procured from the ex
rs. of M
r Bland.--I had no difficulty, however, in supplying the defect, having procured from M
r E. Randolph a very correct M.S. embracing the laws of that period; which, on comparison, was even more correct than those
in the M.S. received from you.--But on examining the acts of
October 1660, I discover that they are merely a collection of “Orders,” or resolutions, on private or local subjects; and none are given
in the form of Acts.-- Perhaps this may be the case with all the MSS.; but I should be very glad to know the fact. If you
have the acts of October 1660, you will be so obliging as to give me some idea of their contents; at least a few lines of
the first act; which will enable me to ascertain whether they agree with mine.--I am now in the acts of 1658-9, and could
conclude the volume before I enter upon those of Oct
r. 1660; which I would do, if any delay were necessary in getting a complete copy of the last mentioned acts. It was my wish,
however, to have
comprised in the first volume, all the laws prior to the commencement of Purvis;--and should the acts of October 1660, be
found to differ from my collection, I shall be compelled to trouble you either for the volume in which they are contained,
or to have them transcribed immediately; for which I will pay an amanuensis, any price.”
On the subject of his letter of July 25, above, Jefferson wrote to Hening on August 28: “
By a letter just recieved from m(
George Jefferson I learn that I had deposited with him my volume of “Fugitive Sheets” or session acts from 1734. to 1772.
with an injunction not to deliver it out of his own possession, while the volumes of newspapers were delivered to mr Burke,
& are consequently lost I fear. knowing your care of such things you are freely welcome to recieve from m
Jefferson the volume abovementioned, for the delivery of which this letter, if shewn to him, will be his authority.”
On September 4, Hening wrote announcing the publication of the first volume and once more requested information on the acts
of October 1660: “I have received from M
r. George Jefferson your volume of Sessions acts from 1734 to 1772, inclusive.--The acts of 1773, which are stated to have
been lost from your collection, I have in my possession.
"The first volume of the Statutes at large will be published in a few days. It comes down to the termination of the commonwealth
of England; and gives an entirely different view of our history, especially during the four years immediately preceding the
restoration of Charles II. from any thing represented by the English historians. Indeed every important public transaction
during the existence of the commonwealth, has been most grossly
"I shall commence the second volume with the acts of October 1660; but, as I have before mentioned, I am apprehensive they
are incomplete in my MS. If it would not be too much trouble, I should be very thankful, if you would transcribe a line or
two of the first act in your copy, of that session, so as to enable me to determine whether mine can be confided in . . .”
Jefferson replied on October 1: “
In answer to the request expressed in yours of Sep. 4. (which came to hand only this morning) that I would transcribe a line
or two of the first act in my copy of the laws of 1660. I have to observe that the only copy of those laws I possessed was
one made by myself from that in the office of the general assembly, and that it was among those I sent you & described under
o. 4. in