Volume II : page 242

the leaf. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
In his list sent to George Wythe in January 1796, and to Hening on June 7, 1808, Jefferson describes this as “ a MS. copy by myself of the laws of 1660, Mar. 23.
It was sent to Hening in June 1808, and its return acknowledged by Jefferson on April 8, 1815.
This manuscript was used by Hening in conjunction with the Edmund Randolph and the Bland manuscripts.
[See illustration]

Plate opp.: “Jefferson’s holograph copy of Mercer’s Virginia Laws. ”

J. 62
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1661/2 Mar. 23.--1702. Aug. 14.
1815 Catalogue, page 73. no. 196, MS. Laws of Virginia. 1661,2, Mar. 23-1702, Aug. 15, Charles City, MS. fol.
Laws. 1662-1702. The Charles City Manuscript.
Manuscript on water-marked paper, 278 leaves folio, measuring 13¼ by 9 inches, written on both sides of the paper, long lines, ruled in red, folios 1-38 written in the same hand as the first portion of the Peyton Randolph manuscript, the remainder by two hands, the second change being at folio 116.
Jefferson, Hening list, no. 5.
Hening II, 69-508, III, 9-222.
Virginia Historical Magazine, XIV, page 265.
Library of Congress Handbook of Manuscripts, page 505, no. 10.
Rebound in tree calf, a red leather label on the back lettered in gilt: Acts of / Vir Ass; a few leaves bound upside down; the manuscript is imperfect, beginning on page 29, act 31 (1662), several leaves of text missing, and many leaves defective; scribblings occur throughout including the names John Gregory (in one place with the date 1766), William Gregory, John Randolph, Ben Walker, Thomas Lorton, David Minges, William Epperson, James Eppes and many others, including a bond between the two last named dated the 28 day of May, 1758. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jefferson’s description of the manuscript in his list to George Wythe, January 12, 1796, reads: “ M.S. from the Charles City office, to which it belonged probably. I found it in Lorton’s tavern, brought in to be used for waste paper. much had been already cut off for thread papers & other uses. Debnam, the then clerk very readily gave it to me, as also another hereafter mentioned. it still contains from chap. 31. of the session of 1661/2 to 1702.
It was sent to Hening in June, 1808, and its return was acknowledged by Jefferson on April 8, 1815.
The contents of this volume are the same as those of the Peyton Randolph manuscript, with additional acts at the beginning and the end (compare the Hening references of the two manuscripts). It was used by Hening and collated with the Northumbrian, the Peyton Randolph and other manuscripts, its variations and the defects in the manuscript noted. Such passages as were used by Hening can be distinguished by his additions and notes.
J. 63
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1662. Dec. 23.--1697. Oct. 21.
1815 Catalogue, page 73. no. 197, as above, B. fol.
Laws, 1662-1697. The Peyton Randolph Manuscript.
Manuscript on watermarked paper, 244 leaves (exclusive of blanks), folio, measuring 13½ by 9 inches, written on both sides of the paper (with the exception of the titles, mainly on one side only), long lines, ruled in red throughout, the first 163 leaves written in the same hand (to the end of 1680), with a Table for these Acts in the same hand on six leaves at the end.
Jefferson, Hening list no. 6.
Hening II, 163-508; III, 10-165.
Virginia Historical Magazine XIV, page 265.
Library of Congress Handbook of Manuscripts, page 505, no. 10.
Rebound in tree calf, with red leather label on the back lettered in gilt: Acts of / Vir Ass; upper margins with dates and pagination cut into. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate. It is probable that the original binding was marked with the letter B. A large capital B in ink is on one of the original fly-leaves, partly obscured by a pasted down backing-sheet.
Jefferson’s description of the volume in his list to George Wythe, January 12, 1796, reads: “ M.S. marked B. purchased of the ex( ~ r) s of the late Peyton Randolph, part of S r John Randolphs collection. it contains laws from 1662. to 1697.

Volume II : page 242

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