Volume II : page 236

J. 55
Washington’s abr. of the statutes. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 80. no. 24, as above, with reading abridgement.
An exact abridgment of all the statutes of King William and Queen Mary, and of King William III. and Queen Anne, in force and use. Begun by Joseph Washington of the Middle-Temple, Esq; and since his death revised and continued by Henry Boult of Grays-Inn, Esq; to the dissolution of the first Parliament of Great Britain, April the 15th, 1708. In two volumes, with two new tables. Vol. I [-II]. London: Printed by Her Majesties Printers, and by the Assigns of R. and E. Atkyns Esq; 1708.
Law 357
2 vol. 8vo. 266 and 251 leaves.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 178, 9.
Cowley 196.
Vol. I calf, vol. II tree sheep, y.e.; the title-page of vol. II mutilated; some leaves discolored. Not initialled by Jefferson. The erratum on page 316 of vol. I corrected in ink and so indicated on the erratum notice, page 415. The Library of Congress 1815 bookplate in both volumes.
This work was originally issued in 1704 as a Supplement to Wingate’s Exact Abridgment of that year, q.v. Washington edited an edition of Wingate in 1689.
J. 56
Jacob’s Statute law commonplaced. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 77. no. 25, as above.
JACOB, Giles.
The Statute-Law common-plac’d: or, A second general table to the statutes. Containing the purport and effect of all the Acts of Parliament in force from Magna Charta down to the Reign of King George, in a method perfectly new and regular; with the numerous proviso’s and additional clauses inserted under their proper titles . . . The second edition. By G. Jacob, Gent. [ London] In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (Assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for Bernard Lintot, m dcc xxx . [1730]
Law 258
8vo. 134 leaves in eights; Books printed for Bernard Lintot on 14 leaves at the end.
This edition not in Marvin, not in Sweet & Maxwell.
Cowley 219.
Rebound in calf, with the Library of Congress 1815 book-plate preserved. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I.
Manuscript additions throughout, with an Index of them in the same hand on the fly-leaves.
The first edition was issued in 1719.
J. 57
M. S. laws of Virginia of 1623/4.
1815 Catalogue, page 73. no. 191, MS. Laws of Virginia of 1623, 4, A. fol.
Laws and Orders concluded on by the General Assembly March the 5th. 1623.

Volume II : page 236

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