Volume II : page 183

xii. ALLEN, Thomas.
Submission to the Will of God. A Discourse, occasioned by the death of Thomas Allen, Jun. Esq. one of the Representatives of Pittsfield in the General Court of Massachusetts, who departed this life at Boston, on Saturday, the 22d day of March, 1806, in the 38th year of his age. Delivered at Pittsfield, March 30, 1806. By Thomas Allen, A.M. Pastor of the Church in Pittsfield. Second Edition, with corrections and alterations . . . Boston: Printed by Manning & Loring, May, 1806.
8vo. 12 leaves including the last blank, collating in fours.
Not in Sabin.
Sprague I, 610.
Presentation copy from the author who has written on the half-title: For Thomas Jefferson President of the United Sta[ tes] from his sincere friend the Auth[ or]. [The letters within brackets cut off by the binder.]
See no. 1666.
xiii. PEARCE, John.
Thoughts on part of the discourse delivered by Mr. Hey, against the Universal Salvation of Men. By John Pearce, Not DD. A.M. or V.D.M. Philadelphia: Printed for the author, 1806. Price twenty cents.
First Edition. 8vo. 14 leaves, collating in fours.
Not in Sabin.
Presentation copy from the author, who in an undated letter to Jefferson (received by him on December 25, 1806) wrote: “Having taken a copy right of a pamplet [ sic -- Ed. ] herein inclose’d i was directed by Mr Caldwell the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States meeting in Phidelphia to send a copy of the same to the Secretary of the United States as the law require’d it. I thought the same respect ought to be shewe’d to the president I therefore take the freedom to trouble you to accept of a copy of pricous matter which if a man enter into the light & spirit of it will make him easy & happy in life & in death”
xiv. A Brief View of the Missionary Proceedings in the Western Country, with an address to the Christian Public, by the Trustees of the Western Missionary Society . . . Printed at the Office of the “Western Telegraphe,” Washington, (Penn.) 1807.
First Edition. 12mo. 12 leaves with sig. A, B.; signed at the end James Hughs, Secretary. West-Liberty, March 11, 1807. On the back of the title: The profits arising from the sale will be added to the Missionary Fund.
Sabin 102995.
Not in Thomson.
Some corrections occur which may be by Jefferson.
xv. BIRCH, Thomas Ledlie.
Seemingly experimental religion, instructors unexperienced--converters unconverted--revivals killing religion--missionaries in need of teaching--or, war against the Gospel by its Friends . . . With remarks thereon, addressed to the friends of Gospel Progress, more particularly, those of the Presbyterian Church of America. By the Rev. Thomas Ledlie Birch, A.M. . . . Washington: Printed for the author, mdcccvi . [1806]

Volume II : page 183

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