Volume II : page 145

Origene contre Celse. par. Bouhereau. 4 to
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 162, as above.
Traité d’Origène contre Celse. Ou défence de la religion chrétienne contre les accusations des païens. Traduit du Grec par Elie Bouhéreau. A Amsterdam: chez Henry Desbordes, m. d. cc. [1700]
BT1116 .O7 F3
First Edition of this translation. 4to. 252 leaves collating in fours, title printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece.
Quérard VI, 499.
Haag II, 421.
Bought by Jefferson from Lackington, ordered from his catalogue for 1792, no. 14150, through A. Donald, on November 23, 1791, billed on December 31, price 3/-.
Elie Bouhéreau, b. 1642, French doctor of medicine and Protestant minister.
J. 125
Origenis Philocalia. Gr. Lat. 4 to. (6)
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 160, as above.
Origenis Adamantii Philocalia, de obscvris S. Scriptvrae locis, a SS. PP. Basilio Magno, & Gregorio Theologo, ex variis Origenis Commentariis excerpta. Quid insuper in hoc opere contineatur, sequens pag. indicabit. Omnia nunc primùm Graecè edita, ex Bibliotheca Regia, operâ & studio Io. Tarini Andegaui, que & Latina fecit & Notis illustrauit. Lvtetiae Parisiorvm: apud Sebastianvm Cramoisy, m. dc. xxiv . Cvm privilegio Regis. [1624]
BR65 .O4
4to. 391 leaves only, should be 392, one leaf, sig Iiii iii, pages 621-2, torn away, the last leaf a blank, printer’s woodcut device on the title (title-leaf defective), Greek and Latin texts in parallel columns.
Graesse V, 47.
Original vellum. Not initialled by Jefferson. On the title-page is written: Dom. Profess. Burdlyal Soc. Jesu Catal. Inscriptus dono illustr. d. de Bethune archip. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered without price on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue.
Jean Tarin, 1586-1666, French humanist.
?J. 126
Minucii Octavius 16s. (8)a.
1815 Catalogue, page 68. no. 31, Tertullianus, 16s.
TERTULLIANUS, Quintus Septimus Florens.
[ Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus et ad Scapulam liber. Accessit M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. Cantabrigiæ: Impensis H. Dickenson & R. Green, ex officina Johannis Hayes, 1686]
BT1116 .T4
12mo. Imperfect copy, lacks the general title. 3 parts in 1. 149 leaves (should be 150): a 3 (should be a 4) A-M 12, N 2; continuous signatures, separate titles and pagination for the 3 parts, the title for Ad Scapulam Liber on F 8; for M. Minucii Felicis Octavius on G 4; woodcut arms of Cambridge University on both present titles; list of books printed for and sold by R. Green on the last leaf.
Lowndes V, 2609.
Not in Bowes.
STC T784.
Rebound in buckram in 1929. Not initialled by Jefferson; the date, 1686, written in ink at the foot of two title-pages, may be by him.
A copy of Tertullianus. i. v. 16 s. was purchased by Jefferson from Louis Giradin’s [ sic -- Ed. ] catalogue, on July 7, 1814.
Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus, c. 155-c. 222, the creator of Christian Latin literature.
For another edition of Octavius see no. 1331. This edition has the preface of F. Balduinus.

Volume II : page 145

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