Volume II : page 107

First Edition. 4to. 512 leaves collating in fours.
Lowndes I, page 564.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 6.0.
This book is not checked in the working copy of the 1815 Library of Congress catalogue. A copy is credited to the Jefferson collection in the catalogue issued in 1831, but the Jefferson attribution is omitted in the later catalogues.
Alexander Cruden, 1701-1770, Scottish author. This Concordance, frequented reprinted, was dedicated to Queen Anne. It was published in November 1737, and some copies have that date on the title-page. The Preface contains a historical account of previous Concordances.
J. 43
Clarke’s Concordance. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 64. no. 22, as above.
CLARKE, Samuel.
A Brief Concordance to the Holy Bible, of the most usual and useful places which one may have occasion to seek for. In a new Method. By Samuel Clark, M.A. London: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, Jonathan Robinson, Thomas Cockerill Sen. & Jun. Brabazon Aylmer, John Lawrence, and John Taylor, 1696.
BS425 .C6
First Edition. 12mo. 174 leaves: A 6, B-P 12.
STC C4489.
Not in Lowndes.
Bound for Jefferson in tree calf, gilt ornaments on the back, marbled endpapers, sprinkled edges, some leaves cut close. With Jefferson’s original shelf-mark, C. 17. 22, written by him on a slip and pasted down on the title-page. The few manuscript notes are not by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate. Possibly from the library of George Wythe--the manuscript notes may be by him.
Samuel Clarke, 1626-1701, English nonconformist divine.
J. 44
Codex pseudepigraphus veteris testamenti Fabricii. 12 mo. 2. v.
1815 Catalogue, page 64. no. 20, as above.
Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, collectus, castigatus, testimoniisque, censuris et animadversionibus illustratus a Johan. Alberto Fabricio, SS. Theol. D. et Professore Publ. in Gymnasio Hamburgensi. Editioni huic secundæ accedit volumen alterum separatim excusum. Hamburgi: sumptu Theodori Christoph. Felginer, A. C. 1722, 23.
BS1691 .F3
2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 612 leaves, title-page printed in red and black with engraved device, engraved frontispiece by Fritzsch after Wahl, 2 full page engravings; vol. II, 375 leaves, woodcut device on title-page.
Graesse II, 543.
Lowndes, British Librarian, col. 61, no. 6.
Half vellum. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jefferson purchased a copy from Froullé in 8vo. on August 16, 1787, price, with the Codex Apocryphus , q.v. 27 (livres). On his undated manuscript catalogue the books are entered separately, the price of the Codex pseudepigraphus being 5.2 (1 vol. only).
Johann Albert Fabricius, 1668-1736, German classical scholar and bibliographer. The first volume was originally issued in 1713.
J. 45
Codex Apocryphus novi testamenti. Fabricii. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 64. no. 21, as above.
Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti, collectus, castigatus Testimoniisque, Censuris & Animadversionibus illustratus. à Johanne Alberto Fabricio S. S.

Volume II : page 107

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