Volume II : page 100

12mo. 252 leaves, printer’s woodcut device on the title-page, text printed in double columns.
Darlow and Moule 4747.
Bound for Jefferson in tree calf, gilt ornaments on the back, sprinkled edges; with Jefferson’s original shelf-mark, C. 17. 13. written by him on a slip and pasted down on the title-page. Not initialled by Jefferson. The lower margin of E 2 cut away, some leaves stained. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Bowyer’s third edition of Mill’s Bible.
do. . . . . . . . 12 mo. Lond. 1730. Tonson.
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 14, Nov. Test. Gr. Tonson, Lond. 1730, 12mo.
BIBLE.-- New Testament.-- Greek.
‘Η καιν(`η) Διαθήκη. Novum Testamentum. Londini: ex officinâ Jacobi Tonson & Johannis Watts, 1730.
12mo. 193 leaves: [ ] 1, A 3-12, B-Q 12, R 2; title-page in red and black, woodcut vignette, engraved frontispiece by Lud. du Guernier after L. Laguerre; text in double columns.
This edition not in Darlow and Moule.
A reprint of Tonson and Watts’s first edition, edited by Michael Maittaire, 1714.
J. 29
id. Gr. Lat. Bezae. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 16, Nov. Test. Gr. Lat. Bezæ, et Gal. 12mo.
[ Novum D. N. Jesu Christi Testamentum, cujus Græco contextui respondent Versiones duæ, altera Gallica, altera Latina, Theod. Bezæ. Genevæ: apud Joannem de Tournes, 1628.]
BS1901 .1628
8vo. Very imperfect, lacking the title and many leaves. Texts printed in 3 columns, Greek in the middle, Latin in the inner side and French on the outer.
Darlow and Moule 1439. Another edition was printed in 1629; it is not known which of the two was in Jefferson’s library.
Bound for Jefferson in calf, gilt ornaments on the back, marbled endpapers, sprinkled edges, white silk bookmark. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. Pasted down on the first page is a slip with Jefferson’s original shelf-mark written by him in ink: C 17. 18. The 1815 bookplate is correctly numbered 18, but in the 1815 printed catalogue this number has been transposed with no. 16 above. The book contains the autograph signature Harwood in 2 places, and the few manuscript notes are not by Jefferson.
The Greek is a mixed text; the Latin is Beza’s translation and the French text is the Geneva version.
J. 30
id. Gr. Lat. Montani. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 18, Nov. Test. Gr. Lat. Montani, p 8vo.
[ Nouum Testamentum Græce, cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Græci contextus lineis inserta. Quæ quidem interpretatio, cum a Græcorum dictionum proprietate discedit, sensum, videlicet, magis quam verba exprimens, in margine libri est collocata: atque alia Ben. Ariæ Montani Hispalensis opera e verbo reddita, ac diuerso characterum genere distincta, in eius est substituta locum. Antuerpiæ: ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1583.]
BS1965 .1583

Volume II : page 100

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