Volume III : page 473


J. 374
d o. [ Pamphlets French. 1790 ] 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 102, no. 140, Pamflets, French, 1790, 8vo

Note: These pamphlets should have been placed after no. 2587.
Twenty-nine tracts or fragments of tracts bound together in one volume, 8vo., half calf, with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate (damaged); the tracts numbered serially in ink on the first pages.
JA36 .P8 vol. 13
i. Instruction de l’Assemblée Nationale, sur la formation des assemblées représentatives & des corps administratifs. Du 8 janvier 1790.
A fragment of 8 leaves, sig. C, D, numbered (37) to (52); caption title as above.
The date 1790 written in ink on the first page, possibly by Jefferson.
ii. Supplement au n o. xxiv .
Un mot sur l’affaire de la Chambre des Vacations du Parlement de Rouen. [De l’Imp. de Quillau, rue de Fouatte, N o. 3].
A fragment of 4 leaves, sig. Dd, numbered (405) to (412); Tome V. in the lower margin of the first leaf, and Fin du cinquieme Volume at the foot of page (412).
The Chambre des Vacations functioned from September 7 to October 27, and was originally instituted in 1405.
iii. Federation Nationale.
Discours prononcé à l’Assemblée nationale par M. de la Fayette, au nom & à la tête des Députés de toutes les gardes nationales de France, & la Réponse du Roi. [ Paris:] chez Garnéry [ 1790].
4 leaves, sig. A, caption title, imprint at the end.
Tourneux 1778.
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette, 1757-1834, became vice-president of the Assemblée Nationale in 1789.
iv. L’Observateur .
L’Observateur. (Tome deuxieme.) N o. 2. La publicité est la sauve-garde du peuple. 15 juillet, l’an 2 e. de la liberté. [N o. 26. 9 septembre 1790.] [ Paris:] chez Garnéry [ 1790].
2 numbers (separated by the Grand Details, see the next following tract), 4 leaves each, caption titles, imprints at the end.
Tourneux 10303a.
Hatin, page 141.
L’Observateur, an anti-aristocratical journal, was founded by Feydel in August 1789. According to Tourneux the original edition was published by Volland and Garnéry, and the reprint by Garnéry alone. The last number appeared on October 12, 1790.
v. Grands Détails par Pièces Authentiques, de l’affaire de Nancy. A Paris: chez Froullé [ 1790].
20 leaves, ends with catchword Extrait.
Not in Barbier.
Not in Tourneux.
The “affaire de Nancy” was an insurrection of the garrison in August 1790.

Volume III : page 473

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