Volume III : page 471

2. [COXE, Tench.]
An Enquiry into the Principles on which a Commercial System for the United States of America should be founded . . . [ Philadelphia:] Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, m.dcc.lxxxvii . [1787.]
With manuscript corrections by the author.
On the title-page Jefferson has written by Tench Coxe.
Another copy of no. 3623 above.
3. COXE, Tench.
An Address to an Assembly of the Friends of American Manufactures . . . Philadelphia: Printed by R. Aitken & Son, m.dcc.lxxxvii . [1787.]
On the title-page Jefferson has written: by Tench Coxe.
Another copy of no. 3622.
4. [COXE, Tench.]
Observations on the agriculture, manufactures and commerce of the United States. In a Letter to a Member of Congress. By a Citizen of the United States. New-York: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, m,dcc,lxxxix . [1789.]
51 leaves.
Halkett and Laing IV, 217.
Sabin 17301.
Evans 21774.
by Tench Coxe was originally written on the title by Jefferson; only the word by remains, the rest having been forcibly removed and now represented only by a hole in the paper. This was probably done by Jefferson himself as he has given this tract anonymous listing on the fly-leaf. It is now always ascribed to Coxe.
5. [COXE, Tench.]
A Brief examination of Lord Sheffield’s Observations on the Commerce of the United States of America. Philadelphia: Printed by Carey, Stewart, and Co., m,dcc,xci . [1791.]
24 leaves; contains an examination of six numbers.
Sabin 17294.
Evans 23294.
The author’s name written by Jefferson on the title-page; a few manuscript corrections in the text by Coxe.
For Lord Sheffield’s Observations see no. 3616 and 3618. Coxe’s work was published originally in The American Museum .
6. [COXE, Tench.]
Reflexions on the State of the Union . . . Philadelphia: From the Press of Mathew Carey, May 9.-- m,dcc,xcii . [1792.]
2 parts, 19 leaves.
Sabin 17302.
Evans 24230.
The author’s name written in ink on the title-page by Jefferson.
7. The Constitution of the Germantown Society for Promoting Domestic Manufactures. Philadelphia: Printed by Eleazer Oswald, m,dcc,xc . [1790.]
4 leaves.
Sabin 27157.
Evans 22534.

Volume III : page 471

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