Volume III : page 468

se trouve à Paris: Chez Moutard, Imprimeur-Libraire de la Reine; de Madame, & de Madame Comtesse d’Artois, m.dcc.lxxxviii . [1788.]
HF1733 .F9 G6
First Edition. 8vo. 143 leaves including the half-title, Fautes a corriger on 3 pages at the end.
Barbier II, 1088.
Quérard II, 707.
Contemporary calf, pale blue endpapers; not initialled by Jefferson; with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, without price.
For a biographical note on Dupont de Nemours see no. 216.
J. 55
Tracts on American Commerce. viz............................................................... }

Sheffeild on the American commerce. 1 st. edñ. }

Ruston’s remarks on Sheffeild. }

Swan’s Observñs on the finances of Massachusets. } 8 vo.

Reflections on encouraging the commerce of the U. S. of Amer. }

Coxe’s Address to the friends of American manufactures. }

   Coxe’s enquiry into the principles of a commercial system for the U. S. }
1815 Catalogue, page 106. no. 351, Tracts on American Commerce, 1783-7, to wit, Sheffield, 1st edition, Ruston, Swan, Coxe, 8vo.
Six pamphlets bound together for Jefferson in one volume, 8vo., French calf, marbled endpapers; now labelled on the back: Commercial / Pamphlets. / Vol. 3. / With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate. The pamphlets are numbered serially in ink on the title-page.
HF345 .C6 Vol. 3
On the fly-leaf Jefferson has listed the tracts as follows:

1. Sheffeild on the American commerce 1 st. edñ.
[HOLROYD, John Baker, Earl of Sheffield.]
Observations on the Commerce of the American States with Europe and the West Indies; including the several Articles of Import and Export; and on the Tendency of a Bill now depending in Parliament. London: Printed for J. Debrett (Successor to Mr. Almon, mdcclxxxiii . [1783.]
First Edition. 40 leaves including the half-title, Debrett’s advertisement on the last page.
Sabin 32631.
McCulloch, page 54 (not this edition).
Palgrave III, 890.
The top inner margins damaged and repaired throughout. The chapter no. 24, written by Jefferson on the half-title, and on the same page, in another hand, the price, 5/-. One or two corrections in the text have been made in ink. by L d. Sheffeild is written by Jefferson on the title-page.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, without price.
For a copy of the sixth edition, see no. 3616 above.
2. Ruston’s remarks on Sheffeild.
[RUSTON, Thomas.]
Remarks on Lord Sheffield’s Observations on the Commerce of the American States; by an American. London: Printed for John Stockdale, m,dcc,lxxxiv . [1784.]

Volume III : page 468

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