Volume III : page 456

imprimée par ordre de l’Assemblée Nationale. ([ Paris: de l’Imprimerie Nationale, n.d. [ 1790].
8vo. 6 leaves, the last a blank, caption title, no title-page, printer’s imprint at the end.
Not in Quérard.
Not in McCulloch.
Tourneux 13247.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince de Bénévent, 1754-1838, French diplomat, statesman and priest, became bishop of Autun in 1789.
In addition to this pamphlet on the Fabrication des Petites Monnoies the Bishop wrote one in the same year on weights and measures which was sent to Jefferson by William Short in July 1790. q.v.

This pamphlet was sent to Jefferson by William Short, for whom it was obtained by Louis Ramond.

On December 23, 1790, Short, writing from Amsterdam to Ramond in Paris, mentioned:

“I observe the Bishop of Autun quoted lately le savant ouvrage de M. Mirabeau sur les monnoies. I will thank you to sent it together with the Bishop’s memoire which he apparently wished to be presented to Mr. Jefferson. I am waiting with a good deal of impatience for the pamphlets which I asked the favor of you to send me. . .” Ramond replied from Paris on December 31: “J’enverrai ces jours cy en amérique les livres dont vous me chargez de faire envoyer à M. Jefferson.”

7. Memoire sur la nouvelle monnoie de cuivre.
Mémoire Sur les effets qui doivent résulter de l’emission de la nouvelle Monnoie de cuivre, présenté au Comité des Finances de l’Assemblée Nationale, au nom des Commissaires de la Trésorerie. ([ Paris:] De De l’Imprimerie de du Pont, Député de Nemours, à L’Assemblée Nationale, hôtel de Bretonvilliers, Isle Saint Louis, 1791.)
8vo. 4 leaves, caption title, imprint at the end.
Not in Tourneux.
Unlisted by Jefferson.
Lettre de Monsieur B . . ., a M. le Comte de Mirabeau, Sur le Papier-monnoie. Without name of place or printer, n.d., [ 1791.]
8vo. 16 leaves.
Not in Barbier.
Not in Tourneux.
British Tobacco & Corn laws. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 94. no. 449, British Tobacco and Corn Laws, fol.
Act for Repealing the Duties on Tobacco, and Snuff, and for Granting new Duties in Lieu thereof. London, 1789.
Folio. No copy was seen for collation.
With this was bound:
Act for Regulating the Importation and Exportation of Corn. London, 1791.
Folio. No copy was seen for collation.
J. 35
Ld. Hawkesbury’s Report on the Corn laws. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 99. no. 450, as above.
[JENKINSON, Charles, afterwards Earl of Liverpool.]
Representation of the Lords of the Committee of Council, appointed for the consideration of all matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations, upon the present state of the laws for regulating the importation and exportation of corn: and submitting to His Majesty’s consideration some further provisions, which are wanting to amend and improve the said Laws. London: Printed for John Stockdale, m. dcc. xc. [1790.]
HD9041.6 .A4 1790
4to. 27 leaves, several in single sheets, folded, the first page of text is numbered [3]; at the end are three additional leaves, with a letter from Sir John Sinclair, dated from Edinburgh, May 25, 1790, a list of Queries Drawn up for the purpose of elucidating the Natural History and Political State of Scotland, and other matter.

Volume III : page 456

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