Volume III : page 432

3. DULANY, Daniel.
Observations on the part of the United States, by their agent, to the reply of Daniel Dulany. Under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. Without name of place or printer [ Philadelphia: John Fenno, 1798].
4to. 2 parts in 1, 9 and 8 leaves, separate signatures and pagination; both parts signed at the end by John Read, Jun., Agent General for the United States, April 17th and Mary 14th, [ sic -- Ed. ] respectively, 1798.
Sabin 56542.
Evans 34906 (described as “Third Title” o [ sic -- Ed. ] the above tracts).
On the title, and where else it occurs, the phrase “by their Agent, to the reply of” has been changed in ink to “By their Agent, on the reply of”; one or two other corrections occur (none by Jefferson).
For a pamphlet by Dulany see no. 3051.
4. INGLIS, Charles.
The Claim and Answer with the subsequent Proceedings, in the case of the Right Reverend Charles Inglis, against the United States; under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. Philadelphia: Printed by R. Aitken, mdccxcix . [1799.]
4to. 2 parts in 1, 56 and 20 leaves, list of errata at the end of the first part.
Sabin 34761.
For a note on Charles Inglis, see no. 3115.
5. Sundry Resolutions and Proceedings, in cases before the Board of Commissioners, for carrying into effect the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, concluded between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. Philadelphia: Printed by R. Aitken, 1799.
4to. 62 leaves.
Sabin 93769.
J. 365
Thomson on the liberty & licentiousness of the press. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 105. no. 283, as above.
An Enquiry, concerning the Liberty, and Licentiousness of the Press, and the uncontroulable nature of the human mind: containing an investigation of the right which Government have to controul the free expression of public opinion, addressed to the People of the U. States. By John Thomson . . . New-York: Printed by Johnson & Stryker, for the Author, 1801. (Copy-Right Secured.)
Z657 .T45
First Edition. 8vo. 42 leaves, the Address dated from New-York, March 4th, 1801.
Sabin 95584.
Rebound in half morocco in 1909 by the Library of Congress. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. Originally bound for Jefferson in calf by March in October 1804, price 50 cents.
See Wood’s Full Exposition , no. 3280.
Old-South by Benjamin Austin.
1815 Catalogue, page 101. no. 286, Old South, by Benj. Austin, 8vo.
AUSTIN, Benjamin.
Constitutional Republicanism, in opposition to Fallacious Federalism; as published occasionally in the Independent Chronicle, under the signature of Old-

Volume III : page 432

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