intrusion of Edward Livingston. Prepared for the Use of Counsel, by Thomas Jefferson.
New-York: Published by
Ezra Sargeant,
F379 .N5 J4
Another copy, in wrappers uncut, of the first tract in no. 5 above, no. 3501.
This copy has precisely the same manuscript annotations by Jefferson as the other.
[Louisiana tracts continued.
iii. 1815 Catalogue, page 96. no. 73, Do. [Constitutions of the States] of Louisiana, pamphlet, 12mo.
Constitution ou forme de gouvernement de l’Etat de la Louisiane.--Constitution or form of government of the State of Louisiana. Without name of place or printer, n.d. [?
Washington City:
JK4725 1812 .A63
8vo. 16 leaves, no title-page,
English and
French text on opposite pages, caption titles at the head of the two first pages.
Jefferson’s copy was sent to him by John Dawson, who wrote from Washington on April 22, 1812: “Louisiana having become a sister-state I take the liberty of inclosing to you a copy of her constitution, and at the same
time, stating to you, with candour, my future plans, and counting with confidence on your frienidly offices to which I feel
that I have a just claim . . .”
Jefferson replied to the rest of Dawson’s letter on May 2, without mentioning the pamphlet.
John Dawson, 1762-1814, known as “Beau Dawson”, was a Jeffersonian in politics, and loyal to Jefferson throughout. Many of the letters
that passed between them are in the Jefferson Papers in the Library of Congress.
J. 346
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 100. no. 446, Memoires sur la Louisiane, fol.
Reflexions historiques et politiques sur la Louysiane en deux parties Dediées a son excellence Monsieur Gefferson president
des etats unis de l’amerique par paul alliot medicin deporté de la nouvelle Orleans avec sa femme et ses enfans en france le dix huit mars mil huit cent trois; et de
retour a Neuve York avec sa famille le six avril mil huit cent quatre en vertu d’une permission du gouvernement français qui
a reconnu son innocense et improuvé la conduite de ses ennemis.
Manuscript on paper, 22 leaves, folio, measuring 16 by 10 inches, long lines, 45 to a full page. The work is divided into
two parts, 10 and 7 leaves, and 5 preliminary leaves which contain the title and dedication. The dedication
A son excellence Son excellence Monsieur Geferson president des ètats unis de l’Amerique, 3 pages, is dated from
dans les prisons de l’orient ce I
er juillet 1803
. At the end of the
Reflexions is
observation a faire a son excellence monsieur Gefferson president des etats unis de l’amerique. ma traversée de france a Neuve
york a été de quatre vingt onze jours, et tous mes papiers ont été mouillé . . .
Original half calf, label on the back defective; with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Sent to Jefferson by the author, Paul Alliot, who wrote from New York on April 14, 1804: “a son excellence monsieur Gefferson president des etats unis de l’amerique. / Monsieur le president. / j’ay L’honneur de vous
envoyer un manuscrit qui a pour titre, reflexions historiques et politiques sur la Louysiane en deux parties. n’ayant fait
ce petit ouvrage que dans de bonnes vues, et vous l’ayant dedie; j’espere que vous l’acceuillerez. je souhaitte ardemment
qu’en le lisant, ”