Mississipi, au devant du Faubourg Sainte-Marie, pres la Nouvelle-Orléans, communément appelée la Batture des Jésuites. Par
M. Du Ponceau, Jurisconsulte, a Philadelphie. A la
Nouvelle-Orléans: de l’Imprimerie du
28 leaves including the first blank. At the end: Délibéré à Philadelphie, le 26 Juillet 1808.
Not in Sabin.
McMurtrie 129.
Not in Tinker.
Derbigny’s opinion on the claim to the Batture.
Pierre Auguste Charles Bourguignon.]
Case laid before Counsel for their opinion on the claim to the Batture, situated in front of the Suburb St. Mary.
16 leaves, the last a blank; numbered [i] to xxix, sig. a-b
Part of Livingston’s
, no. 3484 above.
Livingston’s examination of the title of the US.
Examination of the Title of the United States to the Land Called the Batture.
34 leaves, caption title, numbered 1-68, sig. 1-7.
Part of Livingston’s
, no. 3484 above.
At the head of the caption Jefferson has written:
Opinions of Duponceau Tilghman & Lewis on the case of the Batture.
Opinion, on the case of the Alluvion Land or Batture, near New-Orleans.
38 leaves, caption title, at the head of which Jefferson has written
Duponceau’s; numbered [i]-LXXV, sig. A-E.
Part of Livingston’s
, no. 3484 above.
Omitted by Jefferson from his list on the fly-leaf.
8 leaves, with signature
A. Part of Livingston’s
, no. 3484 above.
On page 2, in letter 3, from Livingston to Madison, Jefferson has changed Livingston’s statement that he had purchased the property
from one whose possessions had been confirmed by the “final and unanimous decree of three judges” by underscoring the word
and writing in the margin
by 2. against one.
This alteration was not made in the copy described above.
Petition of the citizens of Orleans to Congress.
To the Honorable, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.--A l’honorable
Senat et à l’honorable Chambre des Representans des Etats-Unis d’Amerique, assemblés en Congres.
Folio broadside, folded.
Another copy of no. 3476 above.
Derbigny’s Refutation of the Memoir of Duponceau.
Réfutation du Mémoire en forme de consultation, rédigé par Mr. Duponceau, Jurisconsulte a Philadelphie, au sujet des pretentions
des Etats-Unis sur la Batture du Faubourg Ste.-Marie de la Nouvelle-Orleans, Par Mr.