Volume III : page 20

ancients by the translator. Glasgow: printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis, printers to the University m, dcc, lxiii . [1763]
First Edition of this translation. 4to. 238 leaves, the last with the printers’ advertisement.
Lowndes IV, 1878.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. II, 762.
Rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress. Initialled at sig. I and T by Jefferson who has made one or two small corrections in the text.
Hary Spens, fl. 1763, Scottish scholar. This work is dedicated by him to the Earl of Bute.
J. 21
La Republique et le Phedon de Platon. }

Les Politiques d’Aristote.......................... }par Morel. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 99, no. 410, as above.
[ La Republique de Platon, divisée en dix livres ou dialogues, traduicte de Grec en François et enrichie de commentaires par Loys le Roy. Plus quelques autres traictez Platonique [le Phedon, le Phèdre et partie du Gorgias] de la traduction du mesme interprete . . . Le tout reveu et conferé avec l’original Grec par Federic Morel . . . A Paris: de l’imprimerie de Cl. Morel, 1600.]
PA 4282 .R4 M6
Folio. Imperfect copy. 218 leaves only, lacks the title and some preliminary matter; roman and italic letter.
Graesse V, 324.
Not in Quérard.
Rebound in calf, initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
With this is bound:
Les Politiqves d’Aristote . . . traduictes de Grec en François, par Loys le Roy dict Regivs . . . Augmentées du IX. & X. liures, composez en Grec au nom d’Aristote, par Kyriac Strosse, patrice Florentin: Traduicts & annotez par Federic Morel interprete du Roy. A Paris: chez Ambroise Drouart, m.d.c. Avec priuilege du Roy. [1600.]
274 leaves, title printed in black and red, printer’s woodcut device on the title-page; roman and italic letter.
Fédéric Morel, 1558-1630, French Hellenist, succeeded his father as Printer to the King in 1581, and in 1600 left the press to the direction of his brother Claude.
[ ]
Cicero de legibus. Davisii. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 95. unnumbered, [Cicero de Legibus] in Op.
See in chapter 44.
J. 22
Ferguson’s essay on civil society. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 98. no. 370, as above.
An Essay on the history of civil society. By Adam Ferguson, LL. D. Professor of moral philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. The second edition, corrected. London: printed for A. Millar and T. Cadell; A. Kincaid and J. Bell, Edinburgh, mdcclxviii . [1768.]
CB25 .F4

Volume III : page 20

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