Listed By Source
Note: Work on this list is still ongoing, and entries are being added and verified. This is not a complete listing.
Source 1. Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Peter Jefferson, 1757, Albemarle County Will Book II, 41-47.
  £ s d
Rapins History of Eng d 2 vol s & 2 vol s of the Continuation thereof
Solomons state tryals
Laws of Virg a
  7 6
Oglvies Discription of america
1 Quarto bible w t Book of common Prayer
1 5  
Nelsons office of a Justice
Screveners guide 2 vol s
The present state of great Britain
The Lond n & Country brewer
Trents Astronomey
A secret Hist ry of Queen anns Ministers
  1 8
Switszers huclander
  2 6
Virginia Justice
  3 6
Ansons Voyge round the World
A Large Prayer book
  8 1
Bishop of sodor & mans Instructions for indians
Three old Books
Spect rs IX Volums
Tattler 5 Vol s
Gaurd n 2 Vol s
Addis n Works 3 Vo s ... [each] @ 4/6
4 5 6
Maps of the 4 Quarters of the World
2 10  
A map of the city London
D o [i.e. Map] of Virginia
  7 6
Four old maps
  2 6

Source 2. Jefferson's Literary Commonplace Book, edited by Douglas L. Wilson. Princeton University: Princeton University Press, 1989.
(LCB = Literary Commonplace Book ; Title in bold followed by author.)
Odes, Epodes & Satires [LCB entries 167-178]
[HORACE] Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-8 B.C.)
Translation of Homer's Iliad [LCB entries 185-198]
Alexander POPE (1688-1744)
Essay on Man [LCB entries 203-213]
Alexander POPE (1688-1744)
Paradise Lost [LCB entries 218-224, 230-246]
John MILTON (1608-1674)
Tusculan Disputations [LCB entries 59-79]
Marcus Tullius CICERO (106-43 B.C.)
Eclogues [LCB entries 163-164]
[VIRGIL] Publius Virgilius Maro (70-19 B.C.)
Heriodes [LCB entries 181-184]
[OVID] Publius Ovidius Naso (43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.)
The Works of the Author of the Night-Thoughts. [The Complaint, or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality.]
London, 1757 [LCB entries 258-261]
Edward YOUNG (1683-1765)
Shakespeare's Plays [LCB entries 268-282]
[Includes extracts from Julius Caesar, Henry V, Henry IV, Coriolanus, Henry VI. From Thomas Hanmer's edition of Shakespeare's Plays, first published in 1744.]
William, SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616)
Thesaurus Dramaticus: Containing all the Celebrated Passages, Soliloquies, Similies, Descriptions, and other Poetical Beauties in the Body of English Plays, Ancient and Modern [LCB entries 286-296]
[Consisting of extracts from English plays by John Dryden, Ben Jonson, Thomas Southerne, William Shakespeare, Thomas Otway, William Congreve, Nicholas Rowe. Likely 1724 London edition.]
The Spanish Friar [LCB entry 286]
John DRYDEN (1631-1700)
Oedipus [LCB entry 287 & 289]
John DRYDEN (1631-1700)
The Cataline Conspiracy [LCB entry 288]
Ben JONSON (1573?-1637)
The Fate of Capua [LCB entry 290]
Thomas SOUTHERNE (1660-1746)
Henry VI [LCB entry 291]
William SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616)
Aurengzebe [LCB entry 292]
John DRYDEN (1631-1700)
Don Carlos [LCB entry 293]
Thomas OTWAY (1652-1685)
The Merchant of Venice [LCB entry 294]
William SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616)
The Mourning Bride [LCB entry 295]
William CONGREVE (1670-1729)
The Fair Penitent [LCB entry 296, 307-308]
Nicholas ROWE (1674-1718)
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Altered [LCB entries 297-298]
John Sheffield, Duke of BUCKINGHAM (1648-1720 or 21)
The Death of Marcus Brutus [LCB entries 299-230]
John Sheffield, Duke of BUCKINGHAM (1648-1720 or 21)
A Select Collection of English Plays, 6 vols.
Edinburgh, 1755 [LCB entries 301-315, 320-323]
The Orphan, or, The Unhappy Marriage [LCB entries 301-306]
Thomas OTWAY (1652-1685)
Venice Preserved, or, A Plot Discover'd [LCB entries 309-311]
Thomas OTWAY (1652-1685)
Tamerlane [LCB entries 312-315]
Nicholas ROWE (1674-1718)
The Works of David Mallet
London, 1743 [LCB entries 316-318]
David MALLET (1705?-1765)
Eurydice [LCB entries 316-318]
David MALLET (1705?-1765)
Beauty, or, The Art of Charming
London, 1735 [LCB entry 319]
Robert DODSLEY (1703-1764)
Lady Jane Gray: a Tragedy [LCB entries 320-323]
Nicholas ROWE (1674-1718)
Samson Agonistes [LCB entries 324-341]
John MILTON (1608-1674)
Ab Urbe Condita [LCB entry 80]
[LIVY] Titus Livius (ca. 59 B.C.-17 A.D.)
Translation of Homer's Iliad [LCB entries 199-202]
Alexander POPE (1688-1744)
The Seasons [[LCB entries 283-285]
James THOMSON (1700-1748)
History of the Persian Wars [LCB entries 1-3]
HERODOTUS (ca. 484-ca. 425 B.C.)
Hecuba [LCB entries 85-99]
[Appears to be from Joshua Barnes' edition of Euripidis quæ extant omnia, first published in 1694.]
EURIPIDES (ca. 485-ca. 406 B.C.)
Orestes [LCB entries 100-116]
[Appears to be from Joshua Barnes' edition of Euripidis quæ extant omnia, first published in 1694.]
EURIPIDES (ca. 485-ca. 406 B.C.)
Phoenissae [LCB entries 117-125]
[Appears to be from Joshua Barnes' edition of Euripidis quæ extant omnia, first published in 1694.]
EURIPIDES (ca. 485-ca. 406 B.C.)
Medea [LCB entries 126-138]
[Appears to be from Joshua Barnes' edition of Euripidis quæ extant omnia, first published in 1694.]
EURIPIDES (ca. 485-ca. 406 B.C.)
Hippolytus [LCB entries 139-154]
[Appears to be from Joshua Barnes' edition of Euripidis quæ extant omnia, first published in 1694.]
EURIPIDES (ca. 485-ca. 406 B.C.)
Iliad [LCB entries 155-160]
HOMER (ca. 8th century B.C.)
Odyssey [LCB entries 161-162]
HOMER (ca. 8th century B.C.)
Philosophical Works. [The Philosophical Works of the Late Right Honorable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke.]
[LCB entries 4-34, 36-58]
Henry Saint-John, Viscount BOLINGBROKE (1678-1751)
The History of England Under The House of Tudor
London, 1759. [Vol. 3 of the History of England] [LCB entry 35]
David HUME (1711-1776)
1768-1 February 1770 (some titles extend beyond 1 February to 1773)
The Works of the Author of Night-Thoughts. [The Complaint, or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality.]
London, 1757 [LCB entries 247-257, 262-267, 366]
Edward YOUNG (1683-1765)
The Pleasures of Imagination [LCB entries 342-345]
Mark AKENSIDE (1721-1770)
Odes [LCB entry 346]
[HORACE] Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-8 B.C.)
The Seasons [LCB entry 349]
[From a later edition incorporating changes after 1738]
James THOMSON (1700-1748)
The Works of Mallet
London, 1743 [LCB entries 350-351, 353-355]
David MALLET (1705?-1765)
The Nun: A Cantata [LCB entry 352]
Edward MOORE (1712-1757)
The Works of the Author of Night-Thoughts. [The Revenge: A Tragedy.]
London, 1757 [LCB entry 356-360]
Edward YOUNG (1683-1765)
The Works of the Author of Night-Thoughts. [The Brothers.]
London, 1757 [LCB entry 361-365]
Edward YOUNG (1683-1765)
Jephtes, sive Votum.[Jephtha, or, The Vow.] [LCB entries 367-372]
George BUCHANAN (1506-1582)
Medea [LCB entries 373-374]
Lucius Annaeus SENECA (ca. 4 B.C.-A.D. 65)
Catullus 62 [LCB entry 375]
Gaius Valerius CATULLUS (ca. 84-ca. 54 B.C.
Pope's Works. [The Works of Alexander Pope.]
[From the edition by William Warburton, published most likely in London in 1751. LCB entry 376-377]
Alexander POPE (1688-1744)
Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady [LCB entry 376]
Alexander POPE (1688-1744)
Winter. The Fourth Pastoral, or Daphne [LCB entry 377]
Alexander POPE (1688-1744)
Epodes [LCB entry 378]
[HORACE] Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-8 B.C.)
The Fair Penitent [LCB entry 379]
Nicholas ROWE (1674-1718)
All For Love [LCB entry 380]
John DRYDEN (1631-1700)
Fingal: An Ancient Epic Poem
London, 1765 [Part of the poetry of Ossian, LCB entries 381-389, 399-403.]
[OSSIAN] James MACPHERSON (1736-1796)
Iliad [LCB entry 382 & 397-398]
HOMER (ca. 8th century B.C.)
Aeneid [LCB entry 382]
[VIRGIL] Publius Virgilius Maro (70-19 B.C.)
Thebaid [LCB entry 382]
Publius Papinius STATIUS (ca. 45-ca. 96 A.D.)
Andria [LCB entries 390-391]
[TERENCE] Publius Terentius Afer (195 or 185 B.C.-ca. 159 B.C.)
La Thébaide, ou, Les Frères Ennemis [LCB entries 392-394]
Jean RACINE (1639-1699)
Alexandre Le Grand [LCB entry 395]
Jean RACINE (1639-1699)
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman [LCB entry 81]
Laurence STERNE (1713-1768)
A Hymn to Hope. [From The Poetical Works of John Langhorne.]
London, 1766 [LCB entries 396]
John LANGHORNE (1735-1779)
Anacreontea [LCB entry 347-348]
[Attributed to Anacreon in the eighteenth century]
ANACREON (ca. 582-ca. 485 B.C.)
Beyond 1773 (May not have formed part of the Shadwell Library but entries from the Literary Commonplace Book included here for completeness)
De Fato [LCB entry 82]
Marcus Tullius CICERO (106-43 B.C.)
Epitaph [LCB entry 83]
John Sheffield, Duke of BUCKINGHAM (1648-1720 or 21)
Aeneid [LCB entry 84, 165-166]
[VIRGIL] Publius Virgilius Maro (70-19 B.C.)
Andria [LCB entries 179-180]
[TERENCE] Publius Terentius Afer (195 or 185 B.C.-ca. 159 B.C.)
Hudibras [LCB entries 214-217]
[Added by Jefferson no earlier than the mid-1770s]
Samuel BUTLER (1612-1680)
Paradise Lost [LCB entries 225-229]
[Added by Jefferson perhaps as late as the early 1780s]
John MILTON (1608-1674)
The Beggar [LCB entry 404]
Thomas MOSS (1738 or 9-1808)
Astronomica [LCB entry 406]
Marcus MANILIUS (fl. 1st century A.D.)
The Fall of Troy [LCB entry 407]
[Added by Jefferson in his later years]
Smyrnaeus QUINTUS [Quintus Calaber] (4th century A.D.)

Source 3. Jefferson's book purchases recorded in the Virginia Gazette Daybooks January 7, 1764-January 27, 1766

Title and price paid followed by date of purchase, and whether book was purchased in person by Jefferson or through someone else.

  £ s d
Della Istoria D'Italia 2 v o. fo
Feb. 4, 1764 [through Self]
4 8  
Scapula Lexicon, fo
Feb. 4, 1764 [through Self]
1 2 6
Davila Guerre Civili Francia 2 v o. 4to
Feb. 4, 1764 [through Self]
1 18 6
Opera di Machiavelli, 2 v o. 4to
Feb. 4, 1764 [through Self]
2 10 6
Barittio Ital & Eng. Dict y. 2 v o. 4to
Feb. 4, 1764 [through Self]
Duhamel's Husbandry 4to
Feb. 4, 1764 [through Self]
Milton's Works gilt
Feb. 11, 1764 [through Mr. Emmerson]
Attorney's Practice King's Bench, 2 v o.
Feb. 15, 1764 [through Self]
1 6  
Attorney's Practice Common Pleas, 2 v o.
Feb. 15, 1764 [through Self]
1 6  
Harrison's Chancery Practice . 2 v o.
Feb. 15, 1764 [through Self]
1 6  
Attorneys Pocket Companion
Feb. 20, 1764 [through Jupiter]
Death of Abell
Feb. 22, 1764 [through Self]
  6 3
Sheridan on Elocution 4to
Feb. 29, 1764 [through Self]
1 5  
Humes Hist. England. 6 v o. 4to
March 2, 1764 [through Self]
Robertson's Hist. Scotland 2 v o. 4to
March 2, 1764 [through Self]
10 10  
Stith's History of Virginia
March 29, 1764 [through Self]
Thompson's Antoninus
April 9, 1764 [through Self]
Thoughts of Cicero
April 9, 1764 [Through Self]
Dictionary of Arts & Sciences
April 20, 1764 [through Self]
Chesldon's Anatomy
April 20, 1764 [through Self]
Young's Works 4 vols
July 13, 1764 [through Self]
1 6  
New Dispensatory
Aug. 3, 1764 [through Self]
Poemata Italiorum 2 vol
Sept. 27, 1764 [through Self]
Lettering 18 Books
Oct. 3, 1764
  11 3
Binding [for] Ecclesiastical History, fo. gilt
Oct. 3, 1764
[Binding for] Rastall's Coll. of Statutes [fo. gilt]
Oct. 3, 1764
[Binding for] Satyricon, Morocco gilt 8 vo
Oct. 3, 1764
[Binding for] Pleasures of Imagination. 8 vo
Oct. 3, 1764
  3 9
Robinson Crusoe
Nov. 13, 1764 [for Ryland Randolph]
Virginia Laws since the Revisal
April 30, 1765 [through Jupiter]
1 10  
Act of Parliament
June 8, 1765 [through Self]
  1 3
[Binding for] History Virginia, 4to
June 27, 1765
  8 9
James on Gardening 4to
Aug. 8, 1765 [through Self]
1 12 6
Yorrick's Sermons 2 vols.
Aug. 8, 1765 [through Self]
  12 6
Sale's Koran 2 vols.
Oct. 5, 1765 [through note]
1 6  
Grounds & Rudiments of Law folio
Oct. 11, 1765 [through Self]
1 15  
Shenston's Works 2 vols 8 vo
Oct. 11, 1765 [through Self]
  1 6
[Binding for] Bacon's Philosophy
Oct. 28, 1765

Source 4. Skipwith List (List of Books for a Private Library), 1771.
Jefferson's book recommendations in his letter to Robert Skipwith dated August 3, 1771 from Monticello. PTJ 1:76-81

Organized under brief subject categories, each entry consists of a short title, followed by number of volumes, size, and price either in shillings (/) or in pound sterling (£). In some cases, Jefferson included publisher and date information to indicate a specific edition.

Observations on gardening. Payne. 5/
Webb’s essay on painting. 12 mo 3/
Pope’s Iliad. 18/
------- Odyssey. 15/
Dryden’s Virgil. 12 mo. 12/
Milton’s works. 2 v. 8 vo. Donaldson. Edinburgh 1762. 10/
Hoole’s Tasso. 12 mo. 5/
Ossian with Blair’s criticisms. 2 v. 8 vo. 10/
Telemachus by Dodsley. 6/
Capell’s Shakespear. 12 mo. 30/
Dryden’s plays. 6 v. 12 mo. 18/
Addison’s plays. 12 mo. 3/
Otway’s plays. 3 v. 12 mo. 9/
Rowe’s works. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Thompson’s works. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Young’s works. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Home’s plays. 12 mo. 3/
Mallet’s works. 3 v. 12 mo. 9/
Mason’s poetical works. 5/
Terence. Eng. 3/
Moliere. Eng. 15/
Farquhar’s plays. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Vanbrugh’s plays. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Steele’s plays. 3/
Congreve’s works. 3 v. 12 mo. 9/
Garric’s dramatic works. 2 v. 8 vo. 10/
Foote’s dramatic works. 2 v. 8 vo. 10/
Rousseau’s Eloisa. Eng. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
---------- Emilius and Sophia. Eng. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Marmontel's moral tales. Eng. 2 v. 12 mo. 9/
Gil Blas. by Smollett. 6/
Don Quixot. by Smollett 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
David Simple. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Roderic Random. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
these were written by Smollett.
Peregrine Pickle. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Launcelot Graves. 6/
Adventures of a guinea. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Pamela. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
these are by Richardson.
Clarissa. 8 v. 12 mo. 24/
Grandison. 7 v. 12 mo. 21/
Fool of quality. 3 v. 12 mo. 9/
Feilding’s works. 12 v. 12 mo. £ 1.16
Constantia. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
by Langhorne.
Solyman and Almena. 12 mo. 3/
Belle assemblee. 4 v. 12 mo . 12/
Vicar of Wakefeild. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/. by Dr. Goldsmith
Sidney Bidulph. 5 v. 12 mo. 15/
Lady Julia Mandeville. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Almoran and Hamet. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Tristam Shandy. 9 v. 12 mo. £ 1.7
Sentimental journey. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Fragments of antient poetry. Edinburgh. 2/
Percy’s Runic poems. 3/
Percy’s reliques of antient English poetry. 3 v. 12 mo. 9/
Percy’s Han Kiou Chouan. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Percy’s Miscellaneous Chinese peices. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Chaucer. 10/
Spencer. 6 v. 12 mo. 15/
Waller’s poems. 12 mo. 3/
Dodsley’s collection of poems. 6 v. 12 mo. 18/
Pearch’s collection of poems. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Gray’s works. 5/
Ogilvie’s poems. 5/
Prior’s poems. 2 v. 12 mo. Foulis. 6/
Gay’s works. 12 mo. Foulis. 3/
Shenstone’s works. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Dryden’s works. 4 v. 12 mo. Foulis. 12/
Pope’s works. by Warburton. 12 mo. £ 1.4
Churchill’s poems. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Hudibrass. 3/
Swift’s works. 21 v. small 8 vo. £ 3.3
Swift’s literary correspondence. 3 v. 9/
Spectator. 9 v. 12 mo. £ 1.7
Tatler. 5 v. 12mo. 15/
Guardian. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Freeholder. 12 mo. 3/
Ld. Lyttleton’s Persian letters. 12 mo. 3/
Ld. Kaim’s elements of criticism. 2 v. 8 vo. 10/
Burke on the sublime and beautiful. 8 vo. 5/
Hogarth’s analysis of beauty. 4 to. £ 1.1
Reid on the human mind. 8 vo. 5/
Smith’s theory of moral sentiments. 8 vo. 5/
Johnson’s dictionary. 2 v. fol. £ 3
Capell’s prolusions. 12 mo. 3/
Montesquieu’s spirit of the laws. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Locke on government. 8 vo. 5/
Sidney on government. 4 to. 15/
Marmontel’s Belisarius. 12 mo. Eng. 3/
Ld. Bolingbroke’s political works. 5 v. 8 vo. £ 1.5
Montesquieu’s rise & fall of the Roman governmt. 12 mo. 3/
Steuart’s Political oeconomy. 2 v. 4 to. £ 1.10
Petty’s Political arithmetic. 8 vo. 5/
Locke’s conduct of the mind in search of truth. 12 mo. 3/
Xenophon’s memoirs of Socrates. by Feilding. 8 vo. 5/
Epictetus. by Mrs. Carter. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Antoninus by Collins. 3/
Seneca. by L’Estrange. 8 vo. 5/
Cicero’s Offices. by Guthrie. 8 vo. 5/
Cicero’s Tusculan questions. Eng. 3/
Ld. Bolingbroke’s Philosophical works. 5 v. 8 vo. £ 1.5
Hume’s essays. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Ld. Kaim’s Natural religion. 8 vo. 6/
Philosophical survey of Nature. 3/
Oeconomy of human life. 2/
Sterne’s sermons. 7 v. 12 mo. £ 1.1
Sherlock on death. 8 vo. 5/
Sherlock on a future state. 5/
Ld. Kaim’s Principles of equity. fol. £ 1.1
Blackstone’s Commentaries. 4 v. 4 to. £ 4.4
Cuningham’s Law dictionary. 2 v. fol. £ 3
Bible. 6/
Rollin’s Antient history. Eng. 13 v. 12 mo. £ 1.19
Stanyan’s Graecian history. 2 v. 8 vo. 10/
Livy. (the late translation). 12/
Sallust by Gordon. 12 mo. 12/
Tacitus by Gordon. 12 mo. 15/
Caesar by Bladen. 8 vo. 5/
Josephus. Eng. 1.0
Vertot’s Revolutions of Rome. Eng. 9/
Plutarch’s lives. by Langhorne. 6 v. 8 vo. £ 1.10
Bayle’s Dictionary. 5 v. fol. £ 7.10.
Jeffery’s Historical & Chronological chart. 15/
Robertson’s History of Charles the Vth. 3 v. 4 to. £ 3.3
Bossuet’s history of France. 4 v. 12 mo. 12/
Davila. by Farneworth. 2 v. 4 to. £ 1.10.
Hume’s history of England. 8 v. 8 vo. £ 2.8.
Clarendon’s history of the rebellion. 6 v. 8 vo. £ 1.10.
Robertson’s history of Scotland. 2 v. 8 vo. 12/
Keith’s history of Virginia. 4 to. 12/
Stith’s history of Virginia. 6/
Nature displayed. Eng. 7 v. 12 mo.
Franklin on Electricity. 4 to. 10/
Macqueer’s elements of Chemistry. 2 v. 8 vo. 10/
Home’s principles of agriculture. 8 vo. 5/
Tull’s horse-hoeing husbandry. 8 vo. 5/
Duhamel’s husbandry. 4 to. 15/
Millar’s Gardener’s dict. fol. £ 2.10.
Buffon’s natural history. Eng. £ 2.10.
A compendium of Physic & Surgery. Nourse. 12 mo. 1765. 3/
Addison’s travels. 12 mo. 3/
Anson’s voiage. 8 vo. 6/
Thompson’s travels. 2 v. 12 mo. 6/
Lady M. W. Montague’s letters. 3 v. 12 mo. 9/
Ld. Lyttleton’s dialogues of the dead. 8 vo. 5/
Fenelon’s dialogues of the dead. Eng. 12 mo. 3/
Voltaire’s works. Eng. £ 4.
Locke on Education. 12 mo. 3/
Owen’s Dict. of arts & sciences 4 v. 8 vo. £ 2.

Source 5. Selections from Jefferson's Legal Commonplace Book & Equity Commonplace Book, 1765/66 -
(LeCB = Legal Commonplace Book ; ECB = Equity Commonplace Book)
The sources identified below from Jefferson's Legal Commonplace Book have been compiled from Gilbert Chinard's 1926 ed. of The commonplace book of Thomas Jefferson : a repertory of his ideas on government, as well as from a new annotated edition of Jefferson's Legal Commonplace Book by David T. Konig and Michael P. Zuckert (to be published by Princeton University Press) currently underway - we are grateful and indebted to them for their generous assistance. Sources identified from Jefferson's Equity Commonplace Book are drawn from Edward Dumbauld's "Thomas Jefferson's Equity Commonplace Book," published in the Washington & Lee Law Review, Vol. 48 (1991): 1257-1283.
Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's bench, in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of His present Majesty King George the Second
First edition. [London] In the Savoy : Printed by Henry Lintot for John Worrall, 1754. [LeCB entries 1-28]
George ANDREWS (fl. 1776)
The third part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, concerning high treason and other pleas of the Crown and criminal causes
Fifth edition. London : Printed for A. Crooke, W. Leake, A. Roper, F. Tyton, T. Dring, T. Collins, J. Place, W. Place, J. Starkey, T. Basset, R. Pawlett, S. Heyrick, and G. Daws, booksellers in Fleetstreet, Chancery-Lane, and Holbourn, 1671. First published in London in 1644. [LeCB entries 29-68]
Edward COKE (1552-1634)
The second part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England, containing the exposition of many ancient and other statutes; containing the exposition of many ancient and other statutes
Fifth edition. London : Printed for A. Crooke, W. Leake, A. Roper, F. Tyton, T. Dring, T. Collins, J. Place, W. Place, J. Starkey, T. Basset, R. Pawlett, S. Heyrick, and G. Daws, booksellers in Fleetstreet, Chancery-Lane, and Holbourn, 1671. First published in London in 1644. [LeCB entries 69-75, 741, 745]
Edward COKE (1552-1634)
The fourth part of the Institutes of the Laws of England : concerning the jurisdictions of courts
Fifth edition. London : Printed for A. Crooke, W. Leake, A. Roper, F. Tyton, T. Dring, T. Collins, J. Place, W. Place, J. Starkey, T. Basset, R. Pawlett, S. Heyrick, and G. Daws, booksellers in Fleetstreet, Chancery-Lane, and Holbourn, 1671. First published in London in 1644. [LeCB entries 76-78, 741-742 752]
Edward COKE (1552-1634)
Commentaries on the laws of England [Blackstone's commentaries.]
Fourth edition. Oxford : Printed at the Clarendon Press 1770. [LeCB entries 78, 740-741, 832]
William BLACKSTONE (1723-1780)
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of the King's Bench : with some special cases in the Courts of the Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the first year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the tenth year of Queen Anne
In the Savoy [London] : Printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling, (assignees of Edward Sayer Esq;) for J. Walthoe and J. Walthoe, jun., 1742. 2 vols. [LeCB entries 79-241]
William SALKELD (1671-1715)
Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in the reigns of the late King William, Queen Anne, King George the First and King George the Second. Taken and collected by the Right Honourable Robert Lord Raymond, late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench.
The second edition, corrected ; with additional references to the former and later reports / by George Wilson, Sergeant at Law.
London : Printed by His Majesty's Law-Printers ; for J. Worrall, at the Dove in Bell-Yard, near Lincoln's Inn; and P. Uriel, at the Inner-Temple Gate, Fleet-Street; and W. Flexney, near Grays-Inn-Gate, Holbourn, 1765. 2 vols. [LeCB entries 79-179, 242-284, 491-549]
Robert Raymond RAYMOND (1673-1733)
Cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, and some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench: collected by William Peere Williams, late of Gray's Inn, Esq.: Published from the manuscripts of Thomas Vernon ... by order of the High Court of Chancery
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. and R. Nutt and R. Gosling (assigns of E. Sayer) for J. Tonson, 1749. [LeCB entries 485-490, 550-554]
William Peere WILLIAMS (1664-1736)
William MELMOTH (1666-1743)
The first part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, Or, A commentary upon Littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the Law itself. [Coke on Littleton.]
Fifth edition London : Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1656?. [LeCB entry 556, 737, 741, 748]
Edward COKE (1552-1634)
Historical law-tracts
Edinburgh : Printed for A. Millar, London; and A. Kincaid, and J. Bell, 1761. [LeCB entries 557-568]
[LORD KAMES] Henry Home KAMES (1696-1782)
An essay towards a general history of feudal property in Great Britain : under the following heads--I. History of the introduction of the feudal system into Great Britain. II. History of tenures. III. History of the alienation of land property. IV. History of entails. V. History of the laws of succession or descent. VI. History of the forms of conveyance. VII. History of Jurisdictions, and of the Forms of Procedure in Courts. VIII. History of the Constitution of Parliament.
London : Printed for A. Millar, 1757. [LeCB entries 569-584, 735]
John DALRYMPLE (1726-1810)
The history of the common law of England : divided into twelve chapters
The third edition, corrected. [London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling (assigns of Edw. Sawyer, Esq;) for T. Waller, 1739. [LeCB entries 585-587]
Sir Matthew HALE (1606-1676)
The reports of Sir George Croke, Knight : late, one of the justices of the Court of King's-Bench; and formerly, one of the justices of the Court of Common-Bench, of such select cases as were adjudged in the said courts, the time that he was judge in either of them / collected and written in French by himself ; revised and published in English, by Sir Harebotle Grimston, baronet.
London : Printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and H. Sawbridge (assigns of Richard and Edwards Atkins Esquires; and are to be sold by H. Twyford, F. Tyton, H. Herringman [and others], 1683. [LeCB entries 588-692]
George CROKE (1560-1642)
Cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery : published from the manuscripts of Thomas Vernon…by order of the High Court of Chancery
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling (assigns of Edw. Sawyer, Esq;) for J. Tonson, B. Lintot, and T. Ward, 1726-1728. [LeCB entry 693]
Thomas VERNON (1654-1721)
Essays on the principles of morality and natural religion : in two parts
Ediburgh : Printed by R. Fleming, for A. Kincaid and A. Donaldson, 1751. [LeCB entry 694]
[LORD KAMES] Henry Home KAMES (1696-1782)
The history of Ireland
London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1763. [LeCB entry 695]
Ferdinando WARNER (1703-1768)
Histoire des Celtes, et particulierement des Gaulois et des Germains : depuis les tems fabuleux, jusqu'à la prise de Rome par les Gaulois
La Haye : chez Isaac Beauregard, 1750. [LeCB entries 696-716]
Simon PELLOUTIER (1694-1757)
The Grecian history : from the original of Greece, to the end of the Peloponnesian War : containing the space of about 1684 years : in two volumes.
The second edition revised and enlarged. London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1739. 2 vols. [LeCB entries 717-727, 729-730]
Temple STANYAN (1677?-1752)
The history of the world : in five books
Eleventh edition. London : Printed for G. Conyers, J. J. and P. Knapton, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, B. Sprint ..., 1736. 2 vols. [LeCB entry 728]
Sir Walter RALEIGH (1552?-1618)
The universal dictionary of trade and commerce : translated from the French of the celebrated Monsieur Savary ... with large additions and improvements, incorporated throughout the whole work ... which more particularly accommodate the same to the trade and navigation of these kingdoms ... [Dictionnaire universel de commerce.]
Third edition. London : Printed for John and Paul Knapton, 1751-1755. [LeCB entries 731, 833]
Jacques SAVARY DES BRÛLONS (1657-1716)
Work completed by his brother Philémon Louis SAVARY (1645-1727).
Translated by Malachy POSTLETHWAYT (1707?-1767).
The naval history of England, in all its branches : from the Norman Conquest in the year 1066, to the conclusion of 1734 : collected from the most approved historians, English and foreign, authentick records and manuscripts, scarce tracts, original journals, &c.
London : Printed for J. Wilcox, and O. Payne, 1735. 2 vols. [LeCB entry 731]
Thomas LEDIARD (1685-1743)
Lives of the admirals, and other eminent British seamen : containing their personal histories, and a detail of all their public services : including a new and accurate naval history from the earliest account of time ; and clearly proving by a continued series of facts, our uninterrupted claim to, and enjoyment of, the dominion of our seas : interspersed with many curious passages, relating to our discoveries, plantations, and commerce ...
London : Printed by John Applebee, for J. and H. Pemberton, ... and T. Waller, 1742-1744. [LeCB entry 731]
John CAMPBELL (1708-1775)
An history of England, in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son
Dublin, 1779. First published in London in 1764. This work was at first ascribed to the earl of Orrery, to Lord Lyttelton, and to the earl of Chesterfield. -- Halkett & Laing. [LeCB entry 732]
Oliver GOLDSMITH (1728-1774)
Of the law-terms, a discourse : wherein the laws of the Jews, Grecians, Romans, Saxons and Normans, relating to this subject, are fully explained
London : Printed for Matthew Gillyflower ..., 1684. [LeCB entry 733]
Sir Henry SPELMAN (1564?-1641)
Glossarium archaiologicum : continens Latino-barbara, peregrina, obsoleta, & novatae significationis vocabula; quae post labefactatas a Gothis, Vandalisq[ue];, res Europaeas, in ecclesiasticis profanisq[ue]; scriptoribus; variarum item gentium legibus antiquis municipalibus, chartis, & formula occurrunt. Scholiis & commentariis illustrata; in quibus prisci ritus quam-plurimi, magistratus, dignitates, munera, officia, mores, leges ipsae, & consuetudines enarrantur.
Published in London in 1664 and 1687. [LeCB entries 734, 736-737]
Sir Henry SPELMAN (1564?-1641)
A treatise of gavelkind both name and thing : shewing the true etymologie and derivation of the one, the nature, antiquity, and original of the other : with sundry emergent observations both pleasant and profitable to be known of Kentish-men and others, especially such as are studious either of the ancient custome or the common law of this kingdome
Second edition. London : Printed for F. Gyles, J. Woodman and D. Lyon, and C. Davis, 1726. [LeCB entries 734, 737-740]
William SOMNER (1598-1669)
The reports of that reverend and learned Judge, the Right Honorable Sir Henry Hobart knight and baronet, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesties Court of Common Pleas
Third edition. London : Printed for William Lee, Allen Banks & Charls Harper, 1671. [LeCB entry 742]
Sir Henry HOBART (d. 1625)
A treatise of the Pleas of the crown
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, Assigns of E. Sayer, Esq, for J. Walthoe, 1724. 2 vols. [LeCB entries 742, 745. Entries apparently drawn from Book II only]
William HAWKINS (1674-1746)
Les reports de divers special cases en le Common Bank amp;& en le Court del bank le roy : en le reigne de le roy Charles le II : ovesq deux tables, l'un des principal matters & l'auter des nosmes del cases
London : Printed by the assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns, Esquires for Samuel Keble, 1695. [LeCB entry 742]
Sir Thomas JONES (1614-1692)
A new abridgement of the law
First edition. London : Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling for H. Lintot, 1736-1766. [LeCB entries 742, 745]
Matthew BACON (fl. 1730)
A review of the Statutes, both ancient and modern; especially concerning the practick part of the law, alphabetically digested; with proper cases and resolutions upon the said statutes: referring to most of the reports extant.
First edition. London : Printed by J. Nutt, Assignee of Edw. Sayer Esq, for D. Browne, W. Mears, and J. Brown, 1713. 8 vols. [LeCB entry 743]
Giles JACOB (1686-1744)
Reports and Cases, taken in the time of Queen Elizabeth, King James and King Charles
First edition. London : Printed by F.L. for Matthew Walbancke, and T. Firby, 1656. [LeCB entry 744]
William NOY (1577-1634)
Precedents in Chancery, being a collection of cases, argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery; from the year 1689, to 1722.
London : Printed for T. Payne and Son, at the Mews-Gate and E. Brooke, 1733.. [LeCB entry 745]
Thomas FINCH (1756-1810)
Les Reports du tres erudite Edmund Saunders Chivalier, nadgairs Seigniour Chief Justice del Bank Le Roy, des divers Pleadings et Cases en le Court del Bank Le Roy en le Temps del Reign sa tres Excellent Majesty Le Roy Charles le II.
London : Printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and M. Flesher, Assigns of Rich. and Edw. Atkyns Esquires, for Thomas Bassett, Charles Harper, and Samuel Keble, 1722. 2 vols in 1. [LeCB entry 746]
Sir Edmund SAUNDERS (d. 1683)
Reports and cases of practice in the Court of Common Pleas, in the Reigns of Queen Anne, King George I, and King George II. Rules, orders, and notices in the Court of Common Pleas, from the 35th of King Henry VI. to Hilary term the 15th of King George II.
First edition. London : Printed by Henry Lintot, (Assignee of Edward Sayer, Esq) for J. Stephens, J. Worrall, C. Ward and R. Chandler, J. Wood, and T. Walker, 1742. [LeCB entry 746]
Sir George COOKE (?)
The history and practice of civil actions, particularly in the Court of Common Pleas
London : Printed by S. Richardson and C. Lintot, for D. Browne, J. Worrall, and P. Uriel, 1761. [LeCB entry 746]
Sir Geoffrey GILBERT (d. 1683)
Reports of adjudged cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer : from Trinity term in the second year of King George I. to Trinity term in the twenty-first year of King George II.The History and Practice of Civil Actions, Particularly in the Court of Common Pleas
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by Henry Lintot, for William Sandby, 1755. [LeCB entry 746]
Sir John STRANGE (1696-1754)
A complete collection of all the laws of Virginia now in force. Carefully copied from the Assembly records. To which is annexed an alphabetical table.
London : Printed by T.J. for J.P. and are to be sold by Tho. Mercer, (c. 1684). [LeCB entries 747, 836]
An abridgement of the publick laws of Virginia, in force and use, June 10. 1720.
Second edition. London : Printed for F. Faygram and J. Clarke at the Royal Exchange and T. Saunders in Little Britain, 1728. 8 vols. [LeCB entry 747]
William BEVERLEY (1696-1756)
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands
From the Works of Sir William Temple. London : Printed for T. Woodward, S. Birt [and others], 1750. 8 vols. [LeCB entries 749, 751]
Sir William TEMPLE (1628-1699)
Jonathan SWIFT (1667-1745)
An account of Switzerland written in the year 1714
London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, at Shakespear's Head, over-against Catherine-street in the Strand, 1714. [LeCB entry 750]
Abraham STANYAN (1669?-1732)
Britannia : sive Florentissimorvm regnorvm, Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, et insvlarvm adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descriptio
Third edition. London : Printed by R. Newberry, 1586. 2 vols. [LeCB entry 751]
William CAMDEN (1551-1623),
Translated by Edmund GIBSON (1699-1748)
Elenchus antiquitatum albionensium Britannorum, Scotorum, Danorum, Anglosaxonum, &c. origines & gesta usque ad annum 449 quo Angli in Britanniam immigrârunt explicans : una cum brevi regum Picticorum chronico
London : Printed by Ben. Took, 1673. 2 vols. [LeCB entry 751]
Daniel LANGHORNE (d. 1681)
Chronicon saxonicum : seu Annales rerum in Anglia præcique gestarum, a Christo nato ad annum usque MCLIV. deducti, ac jam demum latinitate donati. Cum indice rerum chronologico. Accedunt regulæ ad investigandas nominum locorum origines. Et nominum locorum ac virorum in chronico memoratorum explicatio.
Oxonii : E theatro Sheldoniano, 1692. [LeCB entry 751]
Edmund GIBSON (1669-1748)
Northern antiquities, or, A description of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes, and other northern nations : including those of our own Saxon ancestors ; with a translation of the Edda, or system of Runic mythology, and other pieces, from the ancient Islandic tongue ... ; with additional notes by the English translator, and Goranson's Latin version of the Edda.
London : Printed for T. Carnan and Co. ..., 1770. [LeCB entry 751]
Paul Henri MALLET (1730-1807)
A general history of England : from the invasion of the Romans under Julius Cæsar to the late Revolution in MDCLXXXIII : including the histories of the neighboring people and states, so far as they are connected with that of England : to which are added five dissertations ...
London : Printed for T. Waller by D. Browne, 1744. [LeCB entry 751]
William GUTHRIE (1708-1770)
The history of England
London, 1790-91. 8 vols. [LeCB entries 751, 905]
David HUME (1711-1776)
La Graunde Abridgement, Collect & escrie per le Iudge tresreuerend Syr Robert Brooke, Chiualier...
London : Printed by R. Tottyl, 1586. [LeCB entries 745, 753]
Robert BROOKE (d. 1558)
An account of Denmark as it was in the year 1692 ...
London : Printed by Chez Thomas Fuller, 1694. [LeCB entry 754]
Robert Molesworth MOLESWORTH (1656-1725)
Second treatise of government
London : Printed by A. Churchill, 1690. [LeCB entry 754]
John LOCKE (1632-1704)
Histoire des révolutions de Suède, où l'on voit les changemens qui sont arrivés dans ce royaume, au sujet de la religion & du gouvernement.
Paris : Chez Babuty fils, 1768. [LeCB entry 755]
[Abbé de Vertot] René Aubert de VERTOT (1655-1735)
The history of the revolutions in Sweden : occasioned by the change of religion and alteration of the government in that kingdom
London : Printed for A. Swall and T. Child, 1696. [LeCB entry 755]
[Abbé de Vertot] René Aubert de VERTOT (1655-1735)
Translated by J. MITCHEL (?) [John Mitchel]
The history of Charles XII, King of Sweden
Seventh edition London : Printed for C. Davis, 1740. [LeCB entry 755]
[VOLTAIRE] François Marie Arouet (1694-1778)
L'histoire de la derniere guerre de Suede : en laquelle sont amplement décrits, tous les sieges, combats recontres, & batailles des suedois, contre le dannois : ensemble leur paix, par l'entremise du roy de la Grand' Bretagne
Paris : Chez François Pomeray, 1622. [LeCB entry 755]
[Pilieu] Julien PELEUS (d. 1625?)
Modern history, or, The present state of all nations : describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, plants, animals and minerals : being the most complete and correct system of geography and modern history extant in any language.
London : Printed for Messrs. Bettesworth and Hitch, 1739. 6 vols.[LeCB entries 755-756]
Thomas SALMON (1679-1767)
The history of the reign of Charles the Fifth, emperor of Germany; and of all the kingdoms and states in Europe, during his age : to which is prefixed, a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century.
Edinburgh : Printed by W. and W. Strahan for W. Strahan, T. Cadell…,and J. Balfour , 1769. 3 vols.[LeCB entries 755-756, 757-758, 760-761]
William ROBERTSON (1721-1793)
An historical treatise on the feudal law, and the constitution and laws of England ; with a commentary on Magna Charta, and necessary illustrations of many of the English statutes : in a course of lectures read in the University of Dublin
London : Printed for J. Johnson and J. Payne, 1772. [LeCB entries 759, 762-774]
Francis Stoughton SULLIVAN (1719-1776)
De l'esprit des loix, ou, Du rapport que les loix doivent avoir avec la constitution de chaque gouvernemnent, les moeurs, le climat, la religion, le commerce, &c. : à quoi l'auteur a ajouté : des recherches nouvelles sur les loix romaines touchant le successions, sur les loix françoises, & sur les loix féodales. [The spirit of laws.]
Geneva : Printed by Chez Barrillot & Fils, 1748. [LeCB entries 775-802]
Charles de Secondat MONTESQUIEU (1689-1755)
An historical essay on the English Constitution, or, An impartial inquiry into the elective power of the people, from the first establishment of the Saxons in this kingdom. Wherein the right of Parliament, to tax our distant provinces, is explained, and justified, upon such constitutional practices as will afford an equal security to the colonists, as to their brethren at home ...
London : Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly in the Poultry, 1771. [LeCB entries 803-805]
Allan RAMSAY (1713-1784)
Has also been attributed to Obadiah HULME (d. 1791)
Dei delitti e delle pene : edizione rivista, corretta, e disposta secondo l'ordine della traduzione francese approuato dall'autore coll'aggiunta del commentario alla detta opera di Mr. de Voltaire tradotto da celebre autore
Londra [i.e. Venice?], Presso la Societa de Filosofi 1774. [LeCB entries 806-831]
Cesare BECCARIA (1738-1794)
Considerations on the nature and the extent of the legislative authority of the British Parliament
Philadelphia : Printed and sold, by William and Thomas Bradford, at the London Coffee-House, 1774. [LeCB entry 832]
James WILSON (1742-1798)
Has also been attributed to John WITHERSPOON (1723-1794)
An essay upon money and coins
London : Printed : Sold by G. Hawkins, 1757-1758. [LeCB entry 833]
Joseph HARRIS (1704-1764)
The Parliamentary register, or, History of the proceedings and debates of the House of Commons ...
London : Printed for J. Almon, 1775. [LeCB entry 834]
Mémoires des Commissaires du roi et de ceux de Sa Majesté britannique sur les possessions & les droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Amérique ; avec les actes publics & piéces justificatives.
Paris : De l'Imprimerie royale, 1755. [LeCB entry 835]
Principles of penal law
London : Printed for B. White and T. Cadell, 1772. [LeCB entries 838-845]
William Eden AUCKLAND (1744-1814)
A new geographical, historical and commercial grammar : and present state of the several kingdoms of the world ... with a table of the coins of all nations, and their value in English money
London : Printed for J. Knox, 1770. [LeCB entry 846]
William GUTHRIE (1708-1770)
De officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem libri duo. [On the Duty of Man and Citizen According to the Natural Law.]
First published in 1673. Londoni Scanorum : A. Junghaus, [LeCB entry 847]
Samuel PUFENDORF (1632-1694)
The manner how statutes are enacted in Parliament by passing of bills. Collected many yeares past out of the journalls of the House of Commons ... ; together with a catalogue of the speakers names.
London : Printed by T.H. for Iohn Benson, 1641. [LeCB entry 847]
William HAKEWILL (1574-1655)
Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis
Dublin : Thomas Ewing, 1774. [LeCB entry 848]
Edited by Charles VALLANCEY (1721-1812)
De l'homme, de ses facultés intellectuelles et de son éducation
First published in 1773. [LeCB entry 849-851]
Londres [i.e. La Haye?] : Sociètè Typographique, 1773. [LeCB entries 849-851]
[HELVÉTIUS] Claude-Adrien HELVÉTIUS (1715-1771)
Essai sur les mœurs et l'esprit des nations, et sur les principaux faits de l'histoire depuis Charlemagne jusqu'à Louis XIII. [An Essay on Universal History, the Manners and Spirit of Nations ...]
The author's revision of Abregé de l'histoire universelle depuis Charlemagne jusques à Charlequint was first published in 1754. [LeCB entries 852-861]
[VOLTAIRE] François Marie Arouet (1694-1778)
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du roy
Paris : Imprimerie Royale, 1764. [LeCB entry 858 - second distinct entry numbered 858]
Georges Louis Leclerc BUFFON (1707-1788)
Louis-Jean-Marie DAUBENTON (1716-1799)
A summary, historical and political, of the first planting, progressive improvements, and present state of the British settlements in North-America : with some transient accounts of the bordering French and Spanish settlements
Boston : Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-street, next to the prison, 1747-1752. [LeCB entries 852-861]
William DOUGLASS (ca. 1700-1752)
Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John
London : Printed by J. Darby and T. Browne, 1733. [LeCB entry 862]
Isaac NEWTON (1642-1727)
Apostolic constitutions
[LeCB entries 862-864]
Latin quotation from an unknown source, possibly from Cicero's De Fato 13
[LeCB entry 865]
Doctor and student, or, Dialogues between a doctor of divinity and a student in the laws of England : containing the grounds of those laws, together with questions and cases concerning the equity thereof; also comparing the civil, canon, common and statute laws, and shewing wherein they vary from one another. To which is now added on account of the author, and a general table of the principal matters; never before printed.
First published in London in Latin in 1528, and then in English in 1530. [LeCB entries 866, 876-877]
Christopher SAINT-GERMAIN (1460?-1540)
De laudibus legum Angliæ
London : For the Companie of Stationers, 1616. [LeCB entries 868-870]
John FORTESCUE (1394?-1476?)
Chronicon Johannis Brompton abbatis jornalensis ab anno Domini 588 quo S. Augustinus venit in Angliam usquae mortem regis Ricardi I. : scilicet annum Domini 1198
1652. [LeCB entry 869]
Johannes BROMPTON (fl. 1436)
The difference between an absolute and limited monarchy : as it more particularly regards the English constitution
London : Printed by W. Bowyer, for E. Parker, and T. Ward. First published in 1714, with revised editions published in 1719 and 1724. [LeCB entry 869-872]
John FORTESCUE (1394?-1476?)
With some remarks by John FORTESCUE-ALAND (1670-1746)
Tōn Diōnos Rhōmaikōn historiōn biblia XXIII. Dionis Romanarum historiarum libri XXIII, à XXXVI ad LXVIII usque
Lutetiae : Ex officina Rob. Stephani, 1548. [LeCB entries 868-870]
[CASSIUS DIO] Cassius Dio Cocceianus
The history of gavel-kind, with the etymology thereof; containing also an assertion that our English laws are for the most part those that were used by the antient Brytains, notwithstanding the several conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans; with some observations and remarks upon many especial occurrences of British and English history.
London : Printed for John Starkey, and are to be sold at his shop at the Mitre in Fleet-street, between the Middle-gate and Temple-Barr, 1663. [LeCB entries 874-875]
Silas TAYLOR (1624-1678)
Ab urbe condita. Lib. XXV
[LeCB entry 881]
[LIVY] Titus Livius (ca. 59 B.C.-17 A.D.)
Reports of cases determined in the several courts of Westminster-Hall, from 1746 to 1779
London : Printed by His Majesty's Law Printers for W. Strahan, T. Cadell and D. Prince, 1781. [LeCB entries 882-903]
William BLACKSTONE (1723-1780)
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench since the time of Lord Mansfield's coming to preside in it with tables, of the names of the cases, and of the matter contained in them ... Beginning with Michaelmas term [32 G.2. 1758] and ending with Trinity term [10 G.3. 1770] (inclusive).
London : J. Worrall and B. Tovey, 1756-. [LeCB entries 899-901]
Sir James BURROW (1701-1782)
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench since the time of Lord Mansfield's coming to preside in it with tables, of the names of the cases, and of the matter contained in them ... Beginning with Michaelmas term [32 G.2. 1758] and ending with Trinity term [10 G.3. 1770] (inclusive).
London : J. Worrall and B. Tovey, 1756-. [LeCB entries 899-901]
Sir James BURROW (1701-1782)
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty : commencing with the judgments of the Right Hon. Sir William Scott, Michaelmas term 1798[-1808]
London : Printed by A. Strahan, law-printer the the King's Most Excellent Majesty, for J. Butterworth, and for J. White, Fleet-street, 1799-1808.. [LeCB entries 901-903]
Christopher ROBINSON (1766-1833)
Tableau des saints, ou, Examen de l'esprit, de la conduite, des maximes et du mérite des personnages que le Christianisme révere et propose pour modeles
Londres [i.e. Amsterdam : Marc-Michel Rey], 1770. [LeCB entry 904]
Paul Henri Thiry HOLBACH (1723-1789)
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of the King's Bench : with some special cases in the Courts of the Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the first year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the tenth year of Queen Anne
In the Savoy [London] : Printed by Eliz. Nutt and R. Gosling, (assignees of Edward Sayer Esq;) for J. Walthoe and J. Walthoe, jun., 1717-1718. 2 vols.
[ECB entries 1-9]
William SALKELD (1671-1715)
Cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery : published from the manuscripts of Thomas Vernon ... by order of the High Court of Chancery
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. and R. Nutt and R. Gosling (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Esq;) for J. Tonson, B. Lintot, and T. Ward, 1726-1728. [ECB entries 22-618, 1812]
Thomas VERNON (1654-1721)
William Peere WILLIAMS (1664-1736)
William MELMOTH (1666-1743)
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of the King's Bench
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. Nutt and R. Nutt and R. Gosling, (assigns of E. Sayer, esq;) for T. Osborne, 1740-1769.
[ECB entries 619-1063, 1814-1816]
William Peere WILLIAMS (1664-1736)
A general abridgment of cases in equity, argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, &c.
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by E. Nutt and R. Nutt and R. Gosling, (assigns of E. Sayer, esq;) for H. Lintot, 1732-1756.
[ECB entries 1064-1076]
Geoffrey GILBERT (1674-1726)
Principles of equity
Edinburgh : Printed by A. Kincaid, His Majesty's printer for A. Millar, London; and A. Kincaid and J. Bell, 1760. [ECB entries 1077-1131]
[LORD KAMES] Henry Home KAMES (1696-1782)
Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery
London : Printed by J. Walthoe, 1697-1735. [ECB entries 1132-1402]
Sir Anthony KECK (1630-1695)
Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery, from 1676 to 1706
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by H. Lintot, (assignee of E. Sayer, Esq); for J. Walthoe, 1742. [ECB entries 1403-1586]
Richard FREEMAN (1645 or 1646-1710)
Reports of cases taken and adjudged in the Court of Chancery : in the reign of King Charles I, Charles II, and James II. Being special cases…in two volumes.
[London] In the Savoy : Printed by J. Nutt, assignee of Edw. Sayer Esq; for J. Walthoe, 1715-1716. 2 vols. [ECB entries 1587-1799]
Thomas FINCH (1756-1810)
Precedents in Chancery, being a collection of cases, argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery; from the year 1689, to 1722.
London : Printed for T. Payne and Son, at the Mews-Gate and E. Brooke, 1786. [ECB entries 1780-1811, 1813, 1817-1999]
Thomas FINCH (1756-1810)
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke
London : Printed by H. Woodfall and A. Strahan, 1765-1768. [ECB entries 2000-2017]
John Tracy ATKYNS (1710-1773)
The difference between an absolute and limited monarchy : as it more particularly regards the English constitution
London : Printed by W. Bowyer, for E. Parker, and T. Ward. First published in 1714, with revised editions published in 1719 and 1724. [ECB entry 2018]
John FORTESCUE (1394?-1476?)
With some remarks by John FORTESCUE-ALAND (1670-1746)
Les reports des divers special cases argue & adjudge en le Court de Bank le Roy et auxy en le Co. Ba & l'Exchequer en les premier dix ans apres le restauration de son tres-excellent Majesty Le Roy Charles le II.>
London : Printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft, and H. Sawbridge, Assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, Esquires, for Samuel Keble, 1683-1684. [ECB entry 2018]
Thomas SIDEFIN (fl. 1684)

Last updated: January 2015

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