Poor Catalogue - page 7


<7 coll left>
294 Van Rensselaer’s Geological survey of the Erie Canal.
295 Neutoni Principia, 4 to.
296 Patterson’s Outlines of Physics, 8 vo.
297 Traité elementaire de Physique, par Haüy, 2 vols. 8 vo.
298 Scientific Dialogues, 4 vols.
299 Rogers’ Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.
300 American Philos. Transactions, 3 d and 6 th vols. 4 to.
301 Memoires Mathématiques et Physiques de l’Institut des Sciences, 4 to.
302 Humphrey on the Laws of Nature, 12 mo.
303 Physiological Pamphlets, Evans, Bigelow, Bowditch, Lambert, Johnson, Sinclair, Hist. Commee. Lescalier, 4 to.
304 Tracts in Physics, 4 to. Pope MS. Cuvier, Clinton, Journl. Phys. Bowditch, Hosack.
305 Pamphlets on Physics, Abbot, Wood, Moore, Lambert, Meteoric Stones, Lanjuinais, 8 vo.

306 Helsham’s Lectures in Nat. Philosophy, 8 vo.

307 Atlas portatif de Grenet, 4 to. l
308 Strabo Casauboni, Xylandri et Morelli.
309 Pausanias Xylandri, Amasæi et Sylbergii.
310 Dionysii Periegesis, annot. Eusthathii et H. Stephani, Gr. Lat.
311 Sidney E. Morse, Geography.
312 Indicateur Fidelle, 4 to.
313 Indicateur petit format.
314 Mayo’s Tabular and Historical Geography, 8 vo.
315 Brooke’s Gazetteer.
316 Morse’s Universal Atlas, 4 to.
317 Gibson’s Atlas minimus.
318 Bory de S t Vincent sur les isles Fortunees et l’Atlantide, 4 to.
319 Addison’s Travels. 12 mo.
320 Sloan’s Rambles in Italy in 1816-17, 8 vo.
321 Atlas Geografica de España, fol.
322 Postes de France, 12 mo.
323 Shepherd’s Paris, in 1812-14, 12 mo.
324 Birkbeck’s notes on France in 1814, 12 mo.
325 Lady Morgan’s France, 8 vo.
326 Robertson’s Letters from Paris, 1815, 12 mo.
327 { Institut de France, 1812, 16.

{ D o. D o. 1813, 16.

328 Royal Calendar of England, 1792, 12 mo.
329 L’Angleterre de Pillet, 8 vo.
330 Lettres sur L’Angleterre, par A. de Staël-Holstein, 8 vo.
331Noah’s Travels in England, France, Spain, and Barbary, 8 vo.
332 Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk, 8 vo.
333 Voyage de la Troade, par Chevalier, 3 vols. 8 vo. and atlas, fol.
334 Riley’s & Paddock’s Narratives of their sufferings and travels in Africa, 8 vo.
335 Voyage aux iles de Trinidad par Lavaysse, 2 vols. 8 vo.
336 Demarcation d’Espagne et de Portugal, 12 mo.

<7 coll right>
337 Journal du derniere voyage de la Sale, 12 mo.
338 Voyage de Gage, 2 d vol. 12 mo.
339 Porter’s Cruise in the Pacific Ocean in 1812—14, 8 vo.
340 Brackenridge’s voyage to South America, 2 vols. 8 vo.
341 Barton’s New Views of Indian Tribes, 8 vo.
342 Hunter’s Manners and Customs of the Indian Tribes.
343 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Phil. 1819, 1819, (Heckewelder.) [ed. parentheses in MS]
344 Geographical Pamphlets, 8 vo. Crist. Colum. Virginia, Mass. Louisiana, Humboldt, Cincinnati.
345 Officers of the United States, 1802—16.
346 Post Offices, 8 vo.
347 Plans and Forts of America, 8 vo.
348 Carey’s American Pocket Atlas.

349 Hodgson’s Letters from North America, 2 vols. 8 vo.
350 Decouverte des Sources du Missisippi, par Beltrami, 8 vo.
351 Poinsett’s notes on Mexico, 8 vo.
352 Memoires Philosophiques sur l’Amerique par Ulloa, trad. par Villebrun, 2 vols. 8 vo.
353 L’Amerique du Nord, 12 mo.

354 Views and Manners in America, by an English woman--(Miss Frances Wright, 8 vo. [ed. parenthesis in MS]
355 Melish’s Geographical description of the United States
356 Military Atlas, 8 vo.
357 Gazetteer and Map of Upper Canada.
358 Hibernicus on the Nat. History and Resources of New York.
360 New York Directory. 1789. 8 vo.
360 Philadelphia d o 1791-'5-'8, 1800, 1805-'13, 8 vo.
361 Warden’s Description Statistique et Politique des Etat Unis, 2 vols. 8 vo.
362 Warden’s Description of Columbia.
363 The Washington Directory, 1822.
364 Notes on Virginia, Paris edition, 8 vo.
365 d o d o London ed. 8 vo.
366 d o d o Philadelphia ed.
367 Virginia Register, 1800.
368 Ebeling’s State of Virginia, German.
369 Darby’s Description of Louisiana, 12 mo.
370 Lewis and Clarke’s expedition to the Pacific, 2 vols. 8 vo.
371 Pike’s expeditions of the Mississippi and the Arkansas, 8 vo.

372 Ptolomée etat des Etoiles fixes, par Montignet, 4 to.
373 Delande. Astronomie, 3 vols. 4 to. 3 d ed.
374 Biot. Traité elementaire d’Astronomie Physique, 3 vols. 8 vo.
375 Gudin. L’Astronomie, poeme, 8 vo.
376 Ferguson’s Astronomy, 8 vo
377 Mackay’s Theory and Practice of Longitude, 2 vols. 8 vo.
378 Adams’ Astronom. and Geograph. Essays, 8 vo.

Poor Catalogue - page 7