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Temple (Sir Wm.) Works, with Life. 4 vols. 8vo, calf gilt. London, 1814. Considerably damaged by water.
Thomson (Thos.) System of Chemistry. With Notes by Cooper. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1818
TOPOGRAPHICAL HISTORIES. Anglia, Africa, Boiemœ, Belgium, Athens, Arabia, Namur, Germania, Hungary, Scotland and Hibernia, Hanseatica, Helvetia, Hebræa-India, Greece, Italy, Spain, Leodiensia, Persia, Suecia, Turkey, Polonia, Venetia, Galia, and Muscovia. In Latin, principally Elzevirs. Portraits, etc. 27 vols. 32mo, calf, gilt. Elzevirs et Jansonii, 1630, etc.
Toulongeon (F. E.) Histoire de France depuis la Révolution de 1789. Plates and plans. 7 vols. 8vo, sheep. Paris, 1801
Volney (C. F.) Recherches Nouvelles sur l’Histoire Ancienne. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. (Stained.) Paris, 1822
Voltaire. Siècle de Louis XIV. et XV. 3 vols. post 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1823
Willich (Dr.) Domestic Encyclopædia. With additions by Cooper. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1821
Wirt (Wm.) Letters of the British Spy. 32mo, calf, gilt. Baltimore, 1811
Yriarte (D. T. de). Coleccion de Obras en Verso y Prosa. 6 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. Madrid, 1787

Autograph Letters of Thomas Jefferson, with franking signature.
Letter to Maria Jefferson, from Philadelphia, May 25th, 1797, in which he says: “The condition of England is so unsafe, that every prudent person who can quit it, is right in doing so.”
Letters to J. W. Eppes, from Monticello, July, 4th, 1799.
--------- Poplar Forest, April 30th, 1796.
--------- Philadelphia, January 22d, 1800. Containing the following remarks: “We have here strange news; first a rumor that George III. is dead. This would secure a general peace. Secondly, a West India account that Bonaparte has usurped the government of France; if this were true, we should soon hear of the end of his race; the enthusiasm of that nation would furnish a million of Brutus’s who would devote themselves to death to destroy him. The worst consequences of this would be the inducing the coalition to continue the war. If not true, there seems to be some prospect of a general peace, even without the death of George III. Heaven send it.”
--------- Washington, December 23d, 1800. Principally relating to the coming elections.
--------- Washington, January 19th, 1801. On the same subject.
--------- Washington, October 9th, 1801.
--------- Washington, January 22d, 1802. (Without the franking signature.)
--------- Philadelphia, April 21st, 1800. (Only the franking signature.)
Letter to Maria Jefferson, New York, May 23d, 1790. In which he says: “Tell your Uncle that the President, after having been so ill at one time to be thought dying, is now quite recovered.”
Three small Mahogany Bookcases.

Source: George A. Leavitt & Co. Catalogue of a Private Library Comprising a Rich Assortment of Rare and Standard Works, Many in Fine Bindings … and a Number of Engraved Copper Plates: Also, the Remaining Portion of the Library of the Late Thomas Jefferson, Comprising Many Classical Works and Several Autograph Letters, Offered by his Grandson, Francis Eppes, of Poplar Forest, Va.: the Whole to be Sold by Auction at the Clinton Hall Sale Rooms, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, November 5th and 6th. New York: George A. Leavitt & Co., 1873, p. 36-40.
Last updated: December 31, 2009

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