March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 98

Chap. 18. Equity.

. Lord Kaim’s Principles of Equity. fol. 2 d edition.
. Treatise of Equity. fol.
. Francis’s Maxims in Equity. fol.
. a Treatise of Frauds. 8 vo .
. Duke’s Charitable Uses. fol.
. [Herne’s law of Charitable Uses. in the Clerk of Assize] [ed. brackets in MS]
. Master of the Rolls office. 8 vo .
. Jus Sigilli.
. Jus Appellandi. 16 s .
. Rules of the court in Chancery. 12 mo .
. The orders of Chancery. 12 mo .
. Rules in R. B. C. B. and Chancery 8 vo .
. Praxis almae iuriae Cancellariae. 2.v. 8 vo .
. Practical register in Chancery. 8 vo .
. Harrison’s Chancery practice. 2.v. 8 vo .

March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 98

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