March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 64


. Tissot’s Advice. 8 vo .
. Buchan’s Domestic Medicine. 8 vo .
. Compendium of Physic & Surgery. Nourse. 1769. 12 mo . [ed. There is some indication that TJ purchased this work twice. There are clear indications that he owned the work as of 1783. Further, there are two changes in a darker ink: a second checkmark partially written over the original checkmark and the addition of, using a caret and writing above the line, the word "large." The repurchase of the work could have been an edition that was larger than the first. However, no evidence of such a reprint exists. Nevertheless, Sowerby indicates the edition of this work that she found in the LC was 8 vo., which would explain the notation "large" and further notes that it is listed in the 1789 (she refers to it as the undated manuscript) List. Therefore, with the evidence of ownership by 1783 and the evidence in the 1789 List, with the alterations in the darker ink all point to the possibility that TJ purchased this work twice.]
. Astruc’s diseases of children. 8 vo .
. Hippocrates’s Aphorisms. Eng. 12 mo .
. Boerhaave. Aphorismi. 12 mo .
. Harvei opera. 2.v. p. 4 to .
. Sydenhami opera. 4 to .
. Sydenham’s works. 8 vo .
. Pitcairn’s works. 8 vo .
. Mackenzie on health.
. The Family companion for health 8 vo .
. Bland de coctione alimentorum in Ventriculo.
. Wainewright’s Non-naturals. 8 vo .
. Trattati Fisici del Cocchi. 4 to .
. Short on tea. 8 vo .

March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 64

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