March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 24

[ed. The following titles were parenthetically aggregated by Jefferson to be inserted in a subsequent page as indicated by the following notation written vertically in the left margin of the page.]
to be inserted between the history of Italy, Spain, Portugal & France, and that of the northern nations of Europe.

( ( . Kennet’s antiquities of Rome. 8 vo .
( ( . Pelloutier histoire des Celtes. 2.v. 12 mo .
( ( . Mallet’s Northern antiquities. 2.v. 8 vo .
( ( . Wotton’s view of Hickes’s thesaurus. 4 to .
( ( . [Jornandes de rebus Geticis. in Cassiodorus.] [ed. brackets in MS]

[ed. 1783-4 2-3 works with checkmarks and periods that were erased, written over, and are illegible]

March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 24

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