March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 228


. Ciceronis [oratio?] Foul. [. . .] 24 s .
. id. [. . .] 6 th [. . .] 10 th vols.
. [the same. cum oper. Senecae Philos.] [ed. brackets in MS]
. Quinctiliani declamationes. 8 vo .
. Speeches of the Lords in Hamilton v. Douglass. 8 vo .
. Oeuvres de Beaumarchais. 3.v. 8 vo . [ed. there is a questionable cross-out in pencil, atypically, through part of the first word of this title – "Oeuvres". It is argued that at times such pencil marks are more of a checking-off a work than a cross-out]
[.] Trial & defence of Eugene Arum in 1759. MS.

March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 228

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