March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 220

Chap. 43.

. Lucretius. Foul. 4 to .
. Il Lucrezio del Marchetti. 8 vo .
. Creech’s Lucretius. 2.v. 8 vo .
. Carmina Quadragesimalia. 12 mo .
. Af[. . .]de’s P[. . .] of the [. . .]
. Armstrong’s health. 12 mo .
. Armstrong’s Oeconomy of love. 8 vo .
. Garth’s Dispensatory. 12 mo . 2.copies.
. Horace. Foul. p 4 to .
. Horace de Dacier. Lat. Fr. 10.v. 12 mo .
. Horace Lat. Eng. by Davidson. 2.v. 8 vo .
. Horace Eng. by Francis. 4.v. 12 mo .
. the same Eng. by the most Eminent hands. 12 mo .
. Juvenal et Persius. Delph. 8 vo .
. iid. Variorum. 8 vo .
. iid. Foul. 12 mo .
. iid. Stephani. 12 mo .
. iid. et Sulpitia. Lat. Fr. de Marolles. 12 mo .
. Dryden’s Juvenal. 12 mo .
. Persius cum notis Bond. 16 s .
. id. by [. . .] 8 vo .
. Petronii Arbitri Satiricon. p 8 vo .
. Boileau. 2.v. 8 vo .
. Pierce Plowman’s visions. 8 vo .

March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 220

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