March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 214


. Gaelic poems. by Mc. Donald. 12 mo .
. Cowley by Hurd. 2.v. 12 mo .

. Rochester. 12 mo .
. State poems. 8 vo .
. Oldham’s works. 8 vo .
. O Sevres [ed. should be spelled "Oeuvres"] de Saint-Evremond. 7.v. 12 mo .
. Buckingham. 12 mo .
. The Muse in good humour. 2.v. 12 mo .

. Gilbert’s poems. 8 vo .
[ed. 1783-4 2 works with checkmarks and periods that were erased and are illegible]

March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 214

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