March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 135

Chap. 24. Politics. general theory

. Machiavelli Princeps. }
. Agrippae oratio contra Monarchiam. }
. Moecenatis oratio pro Monarchia. }
. Steph. Junii Bruti vindiciae contra tyrannos. }
. De jure magistratuum tractatus }
. Les oeuvres de Montesquieu. 3. vols. 4 to .
. Filmer’s observations on government. 8 vo .
. Locke on government. 8 vo .
. Sidney on government. 4 to .
. Hooker’s ecclesiastical polity p. fol.
. Harrington’s Oceana. p. fol.
. Mori Utopia. Lat. 16 s .
. More’s Utopia. Eng. Foul. 12 mo .
. Platonis respublica. Gr. Lat. 2.v. 8 vo .
. Spens’s republic of Plato p. 4 to .
. Le Republique et le Phedon de Platon. } par Morel. fol.
. Les Politiques d’Aristote. } par Morel. fol.
. Cicero de legibus. Davisii. 8 vo . [ed. It is believed that this is not crossed out as more faint but similar marks are found on several other works on this page. Appears to be more of a checking-off of these works.]
. Ferguson’s essay on civil society. 4 to .
. Beccaria dei delitti e delle pene. 12 mo .
. Voltaire sur Beccaria. 12 mo .
. Marmontel’s Belisarius. 12 mo .
. Opusculi di Bernardo Davanzati.
. Machiavel’s works by Farneworth. 2.v. 4 to .

March 1783 Library Reconstructed - page 135

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