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. Old book of entries. fol.
. Rastall’s entries. fol.
. Robinson’s entries. fol.
. Thompson’s entries. fol
. Tremaine’s [entries of] Pleas of the crown. fol. [ed. brackets in MS]
. Vidian’s entries. fol
. Winch’s entries. fol
. Instructor clericalis. 6.v. 8 vo .
. Doctrina placitandi. 4 to .
. [. . .] placitandi. [2?].v.
. Placita generalia et specialia. 8 vo .
. Herne’s pleader. fol.
. Sheppard’s precedents. 8 vo .
. Read’s declarations. 8 vo .
. Booth’s real actions. fol.
. Clerk of Assize.
. Officium Clerici pacis. 8 vo .
. Crown circuit companion. 8 vo .
. Bohun’s Institutio legalis. 8 vo .
. Bohun’s English lawyer. 8 vo .
. Style’s practical register. 8 vo .
. Lilly’s continuation of Style’s register. 1 st. vol. 8 vo .
. Lilly’s practical register. 2.v. fol.
. The compleat attorney & Sollicitor. 8 vo .
. Attorney’s practice in R. B. by Richardson. 2.v. 8 vo .
. Attorney’s practice in. C. B. by Richardson. 2d. vol.

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