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Brown’s Dictionary of the Bible. 8 vo . 2.v.
Abridgment of the Common prayer 8 vo . [said to be by Dr. Franklin.]
Heures. M.S. en velin. 12 mo .
Όρθοδοξος Όμοηλια Ευγενιŏ 24 s . 1767. [ed. The final Greek character in the third word was a dipthong of the Greek letters omicron and upsilon. In the MS it consisted of an "o" with a half circle - essentially a "u" - sitting on top of the "o" NOTE: the closest symbol I can find is a Latin letter o with breve, which I added, U+014F]
Όρθοδοξος Όμοηλια Ευγενιŏ 24 s . 1767.
Rudimenta fidei Christianae sive Cathechismus. 1575. Gr. Lat. 12 mo .
Canisii Cathechismus. Gr. Lat. 32 s .
Neckar de l’importance des opinions religieuses. 8 vo .
Necessita di una religione dal Gazzera. 5.v. 12 mo . Ital. Fr.
Barclay’s Minute philosopher. 2.v. 8 vo .
Jennings’s Disquisitions. 12 mo .
Priestley’s institutes of natural & revealed religion 2.v. 8 vo .
Middleton’s Miscellaneous works. 5.v. 8 vo .
Priestley’s history of the corruptions of christianity. 2.v. 8 vo .
Priestley’s history of the early opinions concerning Jesus Christ. 4.v. 8 vo .
Priestley’s doctrines of Heathenism & Reveln compared. 8 vo .
Gregorii Cortesiis Cardinalis opera. 4 to .
Leggenda di Giosafat. 12 mo .
Vicilles de S t. Augustin. par Gazzera. 12 mo .
Les Nuits de S te. Marie Madelaine par Gazzera. 12 mo .
Point de croix point de Couronne. par Guillaume Penn. 8 vo .
Histoire du Calvinisme de Maimbourg. 16 s . Par. 1682.
Critique de l’hist. du Calvinisme de Maimb. par Bayle. 16 s . Ville Franche. 1683.
Tracts in religion. viz. the Appeal on American bishops defended.
Linn’s sermon on the 4 th. July 91-- Goodrich’s election sermon. 8 vo .
Campbell’s 8. letters. 12 mo .
Gorton’s scriptural account of the Millennium. 12 mo .
Fessenden’s Science of sanctity. 8 vo .
The Power of religion on the mind. by Lindley Murray. 12 mo .
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