1783 Catalog - page 79

Ruines de Volnay. 8 vo .
Volney’s ruins. 12 mo . ✓ id. new transln of 1802. 12 mo .
Tindal’s Christianity as old as the creation. 8 vo .
Voltaire’s Philosophical dictionary. 8 vo .
Voltaire, Philosophie de l’histoire. 8 vo .
Bayle’s Philosophical commentary on Luke 14.23. 2.v. 12 mo .
Le Saul de Voltaire. [pamphlet.]
Chubb’s tracts. 2.v. 8 vo .
Dudgeon’s Philosphical works. 16 s .
History of the man after god’s own heart. 12 mo .
Blount’s miscellaneous works. 12 mo .
La certitude des preuves du Mahometisme. 12 mo .
Traité des trois Imposteurs. 12 mo .
Analyse de l’Origine des cultes de Dupuis, par Tracy. 8 vo .
Locke’s conduct of the mind in search after truth. 12 mo .
Hieroclis Commentaries in aurea Pythagoreorum carmina. Gr. Lat. 12 mo .
Epictetus. Gr. Lat. Foul. 12 mo .
id.             Gr. Foul. 64 s .
Epicteti Enchiridion &c. Cebetis tabula, Simplicii commentarius et Arriani. dissertationes. Gr. Lat. Wolfii. Coloniae. 1595. versione Anglicâ dominae Carter. 3.v. 12 mo .
[id.] Eng. with Simplicius’s comment.
id. Eng. by [mrs] Car[. . .] v. 12 mo .
Epicteti Enchiridion.
16 s .
Cebetis tabula.
Theophrasti caracteres.
Dialogus de Exileo.
Prodici Hercules.
Theophrasti Caracteres. Gr. Lat. 12 mo . Foul.
id.            Eng 12 mo .
id.             Eng. by Collins.
Aeschinis dialogi. Gr. Lat. 8 vo .
Xenophontis memorabilia. Gr. Foulis. Eng. by Fielding 2.v. 12 mo . Gr. [. . .]
id. Eng. by Fielding 8 vo .
Aristotelis Ethica. Gr. Lat. Magiri. 8 vo . 2.vols.

1783 Catalog - page 79

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