page 74
Technical Arts. Chap. 15.
The Handmaid to the Arts. 2.v. 8 vo .
Dictionnaire des arts et metiers de Bomare.
The Whole body of arts. 2.v. 8 vo .
Bibliotheque Physico-economique. 12 mo . 14 vols 1782-90
Journal Polytype. pour l’annee 1786. 9.v. 8 vo . K[. . .]th[. . .] the arts. 2.v. 8 vo .
Arts. marked m. in next verso. 8 vo .
Methode elementaire de Pestalozzi par Chavannes. 8 vo . ✓ . Locke on Education 12 mo .
Neef’s plan of educn 12 mo
h ✓
Lancaster’s improvements in education. 8 vo .
a. ✓
Locke on education. 12 mo .
c. ✓
Tracts on education. Ogilvie. Des-tutt Tracy. Lancaster. Dupont. 4 to
Essai general d’Education par Iullien. 4 to .
d ✓.
Nelson ✓ . The Pope on the management of children. 12 mo .
i ✓
Knox on education. 8 vo . t Rousseau’s Emilé et Sophie. 4.v. 12 mo .
Priestley’s lectures on history. 2.v. 8 vo . ✓ . Priestley’s [. . .] 12 mo .
k ✓.
E. of Chesterfeild’s letters. 4.v. 12 mo .
✓ .
Gregory’s legacy to his daughters. 12 mo .
e ✓
La civilité puerile. 12 mo . Troyes. chez Garnier.
l. ✓
The Preceptor. vol. 2d.
m ✓.
Fisher’s Young man’s companion. 12 mo .
n ✓.
Wise’s young man’s companion.
p. ✓
Maniere d’instruire les Sourds et Muets. par de l’Espine 12 mo .
o j.
Tracts from next verso 8 vo . j.
✓ ✓.
Rice’s art of reading.
Green on the speech of the deaf & dumb. 8 vo .
✓ ✓ .
Shelton’s Tachygraphy. 12 mo .
✓ ✓ .
Weston’s Short hand. 8 vo .
Pelham’s System of notation p. 8 vo .
Miss Crownenshield’s specimens of penmanship 12 mo .
Specimina veterum scripturarum Mabillonii. fol.
Tracts l. on next verso.
✓ ✓ .
Calson’s specimens of printing types.
Histoire de la stereotypie. par Camus. 8 vo .
✓ ✓ .
Gordon’s counting house. 8 vo .
✓ ✓ .
Hayes’s modern book-keeping. 8 vo .
Cavallo’s History of Aerostation. 8 vo .
Jeffries’s Narrative of two aerial voyages. 4 to . London. Robson. 1786
✓ ✓ .
Clarke’s Vegetius. 8 vo .
Arte della guerra del Machiavelli. 12 mo .
✓ ✓ .
Bland’s military discipline. 8 vo .
Digges’s stratioticos 8 vo .
✓ .
Fisher’s military tactics. 8 vo .
✓ ✓ .
Saxe’s reveries. 8 vo .
Adye’s Bombardier & pocket gunner. 12 mo .
Kosciuzko’s Manœuvres of horse artillery 8 vo .
✓ ✓
Rules for the government of an army. 8 vo .
✓ ✓
De Rohan. Abregé des guerres de Gaule. 4 to .
✓ ✓ .
Memoires historiques & militaires par le Marquis de Feuquieres 2.v. 12 mo .
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