1783 Catalog - page 54

Chap. 5. Ecclesiastical.
Abregé chronologique de l’histoire ecclesiastique. 3.v. 12 mo .
Histoire des oracles de Fontenelle. 16 s .
Nicephori Callisti ecclesiasticae historiae. Gr. Lat. Langi. 2.v. fol. Lut. Par. 1630.
Eusebi us. ecclesiastica historiae Gr. Lat. Valesii. fol.
Socratis et Sozomeni historia ecclesiastica. Gr. Lat. Valesii. fol.
Theodoretus, Evagrius, Philoslorgius et Theodorus. Gr. Lat. Valesii. fol.
Hist. de l’eglise d’Eusebe, Socrati, Sozomine, Theodoret, Evagre, Photius et Nicephore Calliste. par Coussin. 6.v. 12 mo
Sulpicius Severus. 16 s Elzevir.
Historia concilii Florentini Sguropuli. Gr. Lat. Secundi. fol. Hagae – comitis. 1660.
Platina. Onuphnus et Cicarella de vitis Pontificum. 4 to .
Bower’s lives of the Popes. 2.v. 4 to .
Vita di Sista V. da Leti. 3.v. 12 mo .
Roscoe’s life of Leo X 4 to
Fra Paolo. Istoria del Concilio Tridentino. 2.v. 4 to .
Pietro Soave Polano [i.e. Paolo Sarpi Veneto] history of the council of Trent. Eng. by Brent. fol. [ed. brackets in MS]
Vita del Padre Paolo del Griselini. 12 mo .
Vertot. Origine de la grandeur de la cour de Rome. 12 mo .
Histoire des Croisades par Maimburgh. 4.v. 16 s .
Stackhouse’s history of the bible 5.v. 8 vo . old & new testament 6.v. 8 vo .
Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical hist. 4 to . 6.v. 8 vo .
Anglia Sacra Whartoni. 2.v. fol
Bede’s history of the church of England. transld. by Stapleton. small 4 to .
Burnet’s hist. of the reformation. 3.v. fol.
History of the reformation in Scotland. fol.
History of Monastical Conventions. 16 s . 12 mo .
Spelman’s hist. of Sacrilege. 8 vo .
Priestley’s history of the corruptions of Christianity.

1783 Catalog - page 54

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