1783 Catalog - page 242

Chap. 46.
L’Encyclopedie Methodique. vols. 4 to . Paris. [✓.?] [. . .] Encyclopedie de Diderot [. . .] D’Alembert 39. v. fol.
\ ✓.
Encyclopedia Britannica. 3.v. 4 to .
American Encyclopedia. 18.v. 4 to .
\ ✓.
Chambers’s dict. of arts & sciences. 2.v. fol.
\ ✓.
Gentleman’s magazine 1756-67-68.
\ ✓.
London magazine. 1759. to 1769.
American Monthly magazine. 8 vo . 2.vols.
✓ Weekly magazine. 1798. 2.v. 8 vo .
✓ National Magae. 8 vo . 1800.
✓ Cary’s Museum for 98. &c.
Dodsley’s annual register. 1761. 1778.
\ ✓.
Aulus Gellius. Gronovii. 4 to .
\ ✓.
Alexandri ab Alexandro geniales dies. 2.v. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Macrobii Saturnalia. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Lycurgi orationes.
8 vo.
\ ✓.
Xenophontis oeconomica.
\ ✓.
ejusd. laudes Agesilai.
\ ✓.
ejusd. Hieron.
\ ✓.
ejusd. Lacedaemoniorum et Atheniens. respubl.
Minucii Felicis Octavius
\ ✓.
Cassiodori opera. 8 vo . Aureliae [Allobrogum]. 1606.
\ ✓.
Aristotelis opera. 2 d. vol. 8 vo .
Ciceronis opera. Foul. 20.vols. in 24 th. the 24 th wanting
\ ✓.
L d. Bacon’s works. 4.v. fol.
Bacon’s advancement of learning. p. fol. Eng.
\ ✓.
Milton’s Prose works. 2.v. fol.
\ ✓.
Locke’s works. 3.v. fol.
Sr. Walter Raleigh’s works.
\ ✓.
Selden’s works. 6.v. fol.
Dodsley’s fugitive peices. 2.v. 12 mo .
\ ✓.
Oeuvres de St. Real. 5.v. 12 mo .
\ ✓.
Oeuvres de Voltaire. 40. vol. 8 vo . 1775.
\ ✓.
King James’s works. fol.
Aphthonii progymnasmata. 16 s .
Erasmi Adagiorum epitome

1783 Catalog - page 242

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