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[ed. Jefferson wrote the following notation vertically in the left margin of the page and bracketed the first twenty-one titles.] to be inserted between the history of Italy, Spain, Portugal & France, and that of the northern nations of Europe.
D’Arnay’s private life of the Romans. Fr. Eng. 12 mo .
Kennet’s antiquities of Rome. 8 vo .
[. . .] antiquities Romanini P[. . .] of Leuward [. . .]
Opere di Vi[. . .]io [. . .] 2.v. 4 to .
Pelloutier histoire des Celtes. 2.v. 12 mo .
Mallet’s Northern antiquities. 2.v. 8 vo .
Gorenson’s inscriptions found in Sweden. fol. Stockholm. 1750.
Biomer Nordi[. . .] Kampedater. Islandicé, Suedicé, Latiné.
Bartholimes de causis contemptae a. Danis mortis.
S[. . .]ures[. . .]giam.
Hickes’s thesaurus linguar. veter. Septentr. 2.v. fol.
Wotton’s view of Hickes’s thesaurus. 4 to .
Gr[. . .] de historia Gothorum, Vandalorum et longobardorum. 8 vo .
Olai us Magni us. Historae gentium Septentrionalium historiae. 12 mo . gentium breviarium 12 mo .
Olaus Magnus Gothorum historia. Romae. 1533. fol.
Jo Magni historia Gothorum et Sueonum. fol. Rom. 1554.
E[. . .] Olaus. historia Suecorum Gothorumque.
[Jornandes de rebus Geticis. in Cassiodorus.]
id. Fr. [. . .] not var.
Joidori Chronicon Gothicum.
Paulus Warnefridus de gestis Longobardorum.
Lecons d’histoire de Volney 8 vo .
Newton’s chronology. 4 to .
Blair’s chronology. fol.
Helvicus’s chronology fol
Weeks’s introduction to chronology. 12 mo .
Priestly’s description of his biographical chart 12 mo .
Priestly’s description and chart of biograph 8 vo .
Car. Stephani Dictionar. Historic. Geographic. Poetic. Lloydii. Oxon. 1671. p. fol.
Abr’ of the histor l. geograph l. chronolog l. & poetic l. dict. 1 st. vol. 8 vo .
Dictionnaire de Bayle. 4.v. fol.
Dictionnaire de Moreri avec deux supplements. 10.v. fol.
Collier’s historical dict. 4.v. ✓ [. . .] fol.
Dictionnaire historique et bibliographique par l’Abbé Lavocat. 4.v. 12 mo .
Dictionnaire historique par un societé de gens de lettres. 9.v. 8 vo
Dictionnaire des homms [ed. hommes] marquans de la fin [. . .] du 18me siecle. 3. to. in 1. vol. 8 vo
Galerie des hommes illustres de la Platiere. 4.v. 4 to .
Dictionnaire de diplomatique par Dom de Vaynes. 2.v. 8 vo .
the Chronologist of the war of 1789-96. 12 mo .
Hardie’s Remembrancer. 12 mo
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