page 235
1   \
Linguar. veter. Septentrionalium Thesaurus Hickesii. 2.v. fol.
2   \
Grammatica Lapponica Ganandri. 8 vo . 12 mo .
3   \
Lexicon Lapponicum John Ihre. cum grammatica Lapponica Lindahl. 4 to .
4   \
Sacrorum evangeliorum versio Gothica ab Edw. Lye. 4 to .
5   \
Ulphilae versio Gothica epist. Pauli ad Roman. à Francisco Knitel. 4 to .
6   \
Johannis ab Ihre Scripta versionem Ulphilanam illus trantia. à Busching. 4 to .
8   \
Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickesiano thesauro excerpta. 8 vo .
9   \
Elstob’s Saxon grammar. p. 4 to .
11   \
Benson’s Saxon vocabulary. 8 vo .
10   \
Lye’s Dictionarium Saxonico-et Gothico-Latinum. ab Owen Manning. in 1. fol.
12   \
Evangeliorum versiones Gothica et Anglo Saxonica à Junio et Mareschello. 4 to at Gothicum Glossarium Junii. 4 to . 2.v. in 1.
13   \
An English-Saxon Homily on the birthday of S t. Gregory. Anglo-Sax. & Eng. by mrs Elstob. 8 vo .
14   \
Bedae historia ecclesiastica, paraphrasi Saxonicâ Alfredi. fol.
15   \
Chronologia Anglo-Saxonica à Wheeloc. fol.
17   \
Archaionomia Lambardi. à Wheeloc. fol.
18   \
Boethius Anglo-Saxonicé ab Alfredo rege. 8 vo . Oxon.
19   \
Orosius. Saxon by K. Alfred & Eng. by Barrington. 8 vo .
41.b   \
The New testament. Gothic. 12 mo .
40   \
Sewel’s Dutch & Eng. Dict. 2.v. in 1. 4 to .
Ashe’s introduction to Lowthe’s grammar. 12 mo .
Harris’s Philological enquiries. 8 vo .
20   \
Horne Tooke’s Epea pteroenta, or Diversions of Purley. 8 vo . 2. vols.
32   \
Grose’s Provincial Glossary. 8 vo .
The Mariner’s dictionary. Duane. 12 mo .
31   \
Etymologicon linguae Anglicanae Skinneri. fol.
a34 \
Johnson’s English dict. 2.v. 4 to .
Lexiphanes. 12 mo .
Walker’s dict. 8 vo .
Claesse’s Mohawk liturgy. p. 4 to .
Grammaire Italienne d’ Antonini. 12 mo .
Vocabolario della Crusca. Ven. 1741. 5. to. in 2. vol. 4 to .
Dictionnaire Ital. et Franc. d’Alberti. 2.v. 4 to .
Bottarelli’s Ital. Fr. & Eng. dict. 3.v. 12 mo .
Tresor des trios langues Ital Espagn. Franc. Ital. 3.v. 8 vo p. 4 to .
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