1783 Catalog - page 208

Chap. 41. Comedy.
Aristophanis Comoediae. Scholiis antiquis. Gr. Lat. fol.
Plautus. notis Variorum. 2.v. 8 vo . Plauti [. . .] Delphini [. . .] fol.
Plauti comoediae. 4 to .
id. 24 s .
id. Davis Lat. Fr. 4.v. 12 mo .
id. [1 st vol wanting]
Terentius Bentleii. 4 to .
id. Delphini. 8 vo .
id. by Sterling.
id. Foulis. 8 vo .
m id. Minellii 16 s .
id. Cantabrigiae. 16 s .
id. Eng. by [Echard?] 12 mo .
Moliere. 7.v. p.f. [8 vols.?] Moliere. Fr. Eng. 1 st [. . .] d [. . .] th [. . .] th [. . .] 12 mo [. . .]
the same Fr. 8.v. 12 mo . [4 th wanting.]
the same. Fr. 6.v. 16 s .
the same Fr. 4 vols 16 s .
Oeuvres de theatre de Diderot. 12 mo .
Oeuvres dramatiques de Diderot. 2.v. 12 mo .
Lilly’s plays. 16 s .
Dodsley’s collection of old plays. 10.v. 12 mo .
Beaumont & Fletcher fol
Capell’s Prolusions. 12 mo .
Farquhar’s plays. 2.v. 12 mo .
Vanbrugh’s plays. 2.v. 12 mo .
Steele’s plays.
Wycherley’s plays. 1 st. vol. 12 mo .
Beaumont & Fletcher’s plays
Ben Johnson’s plays.
Sedley’s works. 2 d. v. 12 mo .
Congreve’s plays. 2 3.v. 12 mo .3 d^
Foote’s dramatic works. 2.v. 8 vo .

1783 Catalog - page 208

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