1783 Catalog - page 158

Geography. Chap. 30. General.
Geographiae veteris scriptores Graeci minores. Gr. Lat. Hudson. Oxon 4. tom in 6. vol. 8 vo
Tables et cartes de la geographie physique de Buache.
Ptolemaei geographia. Gr. Lat. Bertii. Amstel. 1619. fol. 100₶
                        vel                             Serveti. Lugduni. 1535. fol. 70₶
Gugli[. . .] della [. . .]
Dionysii orbis descriptio. Gr. Lat. 8 vo .
Pomponius Mela de situ orbis. 12 mo .
Strabo. Gr. Lat. Casauboni fol.
Geographi[a] M[. . .]
Cellarii notitiae orbis antiqui 2.v. 4 to .
Pausaniae Graeciae descripto. fol.
Atlas antiquus Johannis Clerici. Amsterdam. Mortier. 1705.
Geographia Classica.
Echard’s classical geographical dictionary. 12 mo .
Macbean’s dict. of antient geography. 8 vo .
Onomasticon locorum sacrae scripturae Bonfrerii. fol. Amsterd. 1707
Wells’s geography of the old testament. 4. vols.
Cluverii geographia. 16 s . p.f.
Hennepin’s Atlas geographique.
Senex’s complete Atlas. in 34. maps.
Moll’s geography. fol.
Theatre de l’Univers de Chateaunieres. 3 d. vol. p. 8 vo .
Geographie de Robbe. 2. vols. 12 mo .
Heylin’s Cosmography. fol.
Smyth’s system of Geography.
Guthrie’s geography. 2. v. 4 to . Salmon’s Geographical grammar. 8 vo .
[Salmon’s geographical] grammar. 8 vo .
Pinkerton’s geography. 2.v. 8 vo .
Salmon’s gazetteer. 12 mo .
Spafford’s general geography 12 mo . 4 to .
World in miniature 2 d. vol. 12 mo .
Sandy’s travels. fol.
R[. . .] gg [. . .]sia.
Harris’s voiages. 2.vols. fol.
Ld. Anson’s voiage round the world. 8 vo .
Rogers’s voiage round the world.
Churchill’s collection of voiages. 4. vols. fol.

1783 Catalog - page 158

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