1783 Catalog - page 152

Montefiore’s Commercial dictionary. American edn. 3.v. 8 vo .
Anderson’s history of commerce. with Coombe’s continuan. 6.v. 8 vo . Dublin.
Smith’s enquiry into the causes of the wealth of nations. 3.v. 8 vo .
Traité d’economie politique par Say. 2.v. 8 vo .
New & Old principles of trade compared. 8 vo . [suppos d. by Vaughan
Simonde de la richesse commerciale. 2.v. 8 vo .
Tracts on commerce. viz. On Commerce & Luxury.
Discours sur l’influence du commerce sur l’esprit et les moeurs
Dupont lettre Physiocratique.
Principles of trade. the notes by D r. Franklin.
Claims of literature by David Williams. 8 vo .
Ld. Lauderdale on public wealth. 8 vo .
Law on money & trade. 12 mo .
Necker sur la legislation et le commerce des grains
8 vo .
            Eloge de Colbert.
Prospectus du Dictionnaire de commerce de l’Abbé Morellet. 8 vo .
L’Intelligence du commerce de Malisset. 2.v. 8 vo .
Recueil Alphabetique des droits des traites. 4.v. 8 vo .
Commerce de l’Amerique par Marseille. 2.v. in 1. 4 to .
Swann sur le commerce entre la France et les Etats Unis. 8 vo .
Claviere et Warville de la France et des etats unis. 8 vo .
Tract on American commerce. viz. Memoire pour les negocians de l’Orient. 4 to .
The American Traveller. 4 to .
Sheffeild on the American commerce. 8 vo .
Champion’s Considerations on y e commerce of Gr. Br. & America. 8 vo .
Chalmer’s opinions on law & commerce relative to America. 8 vo
Reeves’s history of the law of shipping & navign. 8 vo . ✓ Edgar’s book of rates 8 vo .
British rates by Simms. 8 vo . ✓ Carkesse’s book of rates fol.
Le Tarif.
Lettre sur le traité de Commerce entre la France & l’Angleterre par Dupont. 8 vo .
Tariffs des glaces. 18s.
Tracts on American Commerce. viz.
8 vo
Sheffeild on the American commerce. 1 st edn.
Ruston’s remarks on Sheffeild.
Swan’s Observns. on the finances of Massachusets.
Reflections on encouraging the commerce of the U.S. of Amer.
Coxe’s Address to the friends of American manufactures.
Coxe’s enquiry into the principles of a commercial system for the U.S.
Tracts American, viz. sundry papers by on commerce &c. of U.S. 8 vo .
Coxe’s view of the United States. 8 vo . 2 copies

1783 Catalog - page 152

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