page 150
Political tracts American. viz.
Phocion’s second letter by A. Hamilton.
Murray’s Political sketches.
Decius’s letters
Plea for the poor souldiers.
Considns on the reduction of the int. of the public debt
Sullivan’s observns on the govmt of the U.S.
Logan’s lres. to the yeomanry of the U.S.
Leavenworth on Colony commerce.
Census of the U.S. of 1791.
Journals of the H. of Burgesses of Virginia. from to
Journals of the H. of Repres. of the U.S. 1789---93. 2.v. fol.
Journals of the Senate of the U.S. 1789.---93. 2.v. fol. --- do. 8 vo .
Official Reports. 1790-92. fol.
Robert Morris’s Accounts. fol.
State papers 1793.4. 8 vo . 2 copies. 94.5---94.7---95.6---96.7.---97. Blount---97.
State papers. 1797-8. 8 vo . 98.9---99.1800.---1800---1800.1---1801.2---1802. to 1809.
Negociations with France. 1798. 8 vo .
Pamphlets American. 1793---4 8 vo .
do.               ---               1795        8 vo .
do                ---               1796.        8 vo .
do.               ---               1797.        8 vo . 98-99-1800. 2.vols.-1801.
Callendar’s Political register 94.95. 8 vo .
American Remembrancer. 1795. 3.v. 8 vo .
Debates of Congress on the treaty power. 1796. 2.v. 8 vo .
Callendar’s Political register. 8 vo . 1794.5.
Callender’s hist. of the US. for 1796.7
Callender’s sketches for 1798.
Callender’s Sedgwick & co. 1798.
Gallatin’s sketches of the finances of the US. 8 vo .
Monroe’s view of the foreign affairs of the US. 2. copies
Patriotic addresses. 12 mo .
Letters of Curtius. 12 mo .
Communications & resolns. of Virginia on the Alien & Sedition laws. 12 mo .
Proceedings of the Commissioners on the British debts. 4 to .
Thomson on the liberty & licentiousness of the press. 8 vo .
Old-South by Benjamin Austin.
the Lawyer or Man as he ought not to be. 8 vo .
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