1783 Catalog - page 132

Foreign Law. Chap. 23.
Sullivan’s history of Land titles in Massachusets. 8 vo .
Story’s Selection of pleadings. 8 vo .
Laws of Massachusets. 4. W.M. – 6. G.2. fol.
Laws of Massachusets. 4. W.M. – 13. W.3. fol.
. . . . . . . Connecticut. 14. C.2. – 5. G.2. fol.
. . . . . . . Rhode island. 1663-1718. fol.
                 New York. 2.v. 8 vo .
. . . . . . . Pennsylvania. 12. W.3. – 16. G.2.
. . . . . . . Pennsylvania. 1769.
                 North Carolina. by Iredell. 1790. fol.
. . . . . . . Barbadoes. 1648. – 1718,
in 1. vol. fol.
. . . . . . . New York. 1691. – 1718.
. . . . . . . Bermuda. 1690. – 1714.
. . . . . . . Maryland by Kilty. 2.v. 4 to .
Abr. of the laws of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New-England, New York, & Carolina. 8 vo .
Laws of Jamaica. 8 vo .
Martin’s Review of Iredell’s laws of N Carolina. 4 to .
Ship master’s Assistant & Owner’s Manual. Lond. Steal. 1788.
Criminal law of Kentucky by Toulmin & Blair 8 vo .
Spotiswodde’s Practicks of the laws of Scotland. fol.
Laws of Michigan & tracts by Woodward. 8 vo .
Scotch acts. 8 vo .
Scotch acts from Jac.1 of Scotland to Charles 2 d. fol.
Forbes’s Journal of the Sessions. fol.
Kaim’s dict. of decisions. 2.v. fol.
Statutes of Ireland in force in 1678. fol.
Frederician Code. 2.v. 8 vo .
Calvini Lexicon juridicium. fol. ✓ Esprit des loix Romaines de Gravina 3.v. 12 mo .
Vinnii institutiones. 4 to .
Harris’s Justinian. 4 to .
Justiniani institutiones Vinnii. Elzev. 24 s .
Codex juris civilis.
Dodecadeltos Rittershusii.
Leges Regiae et Decemvirales, sive leges XII. tabularum. 4 to .
Baldwin’s commentary on the XII tables. Paris 1552
Monumenta varia antiqua Georgii Fabricii. 8 vo .
Kerr’s Exposition of the criminal laws of Orleans. 8 vo .
Les Fragmens d’ [. . .] par [. . .]
Bynkershoek Jus [Romanum] 4 to .
Bynkershoek Jus [Publicum]. 4 to .
Vinnii partitiones Juris civilis. 4 to .

1783 Catalog - page 132

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