1783 Catalog - page 130

Law Ecclesiastical. Chap. 22.
Von Mastricht Historia de Juris ecclesiastici
Gibson’s Codex juris ecclesiastici Anglicani. 2.v. fol.
Examination of the scheme of Church power in the Codex.
Jura ecclesiastica. 2.v. 8 vo .
Parsons’ answer to Coke. 4 to .
Hill’s examination of the rights of the Christian church. 8 vo .
Degge’s Parson’s councellor. 8 vo .
The Clergyman’s Vade mecum. 2.v. 16 s . 2 cop.
Watson’s Clergyman’s law. fol. 2. copies
Johnson’s Ecclesiastical law. 2.v. 8 vo .
Bohun’s law of tithes. 8 vo .
Godolphin’s orphan’s legacy. 4 th. edn. 4 to .
Swinburne on wills. edn. 4 to .
id. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 th edn fol.
Swinburne’s Espousals. 4 to .
Pleadings for the Marquis de Gesores. 12 mo . 2 d. vol.
Burn’s Ecclesiastical law. 4.v. 8 vo . 4 th. G. Wythe
Nelson’s Letters testamentary. 8 vo .
Conset’s Practice of Ecclesiastical courts. 8 vo .
Clarke’s praxis incuriis ecclesiasticis. 4 to .

1783 Catalog - page 130

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