1783 Catalog - page 120

Sullivan’s lectures on the Feudal law. 4 to .
Dalrymple’s essay on Feudal property. 8 vo .
Considerations on Forfeiture.
Robinson’s discourse on Inheritance. 8 vo .
Dalrymple’s policy of Entails in Gr. Britain. 8 vo .
L d. Kaim’s British antiquities. 12 mo .
L d. Kaim’s Law-tracts. 8 vo .
Blackstone’s Law-tracts. 2.v. 8 vo .
Morgan’s law essays. 3.v.
[. . .] lettres 8 vo .
Potgiesser de statu servorum. 4 to .
Barry’s Irish tenures. fol.
Spelman’s law terms. 16 s .
Barrington’s observations on the Statutes. 4 to .
Brook’s reading on the stat. of limitations. 16 s .
Chancell r. Ellesmere’s speech on the Postnati. 4 to .
Egerton’s observns on Coke’s reports. fol.
L d. Somers argum’ in the Banker’s case. 4 to .
L d. Raymond’s argum’ in B.R. inter D r. Bentley & B p. of Ely. M.S. fol.
McCu[. . .] argum’ for Campbell.
H[. . .] argum’ in the case of Somerset.
Annesley’s case. 12 mo .

1783 Catalog - page 120

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