1783 Catalog - page 108

Beverley’s abr’ of the Virginia laws.
Mercer’s abr’ of the Virginia laws. 8 vo . 173 7 2.
Mercer’s abr.’ of the Virginia laws. 2.v. 8 vo . 1758.
id. 8 vo .
Gilbert’s history of the civil actions of the courts.
Gilbert’s history of the Exchequer. 8 vo .
Gilbert’s hist. & practice of civil actions in the court of C.P. 8 vo . 1779.
[Gilbert’s hist. & practice of the c t. of K.B. in Gilbert on Exns. qu?]
Crompton on Courts p. 4 to .
Greenwood on Courts. 8 vo .
Kitchen on Courts. 12 mo .
Scroggs of Courts. 8 vo .
Registrum brevium. fol.
Thesaurus brevium. fol.
Officina brevium. fol.
[Vetus] Natura brevium. 4 to .
Fritzherberi’s New Natura brevium. by Hale. 4 to .
Aston’s Entries. p. 4 to .
Brown’s entries. fol.
Brown’s Modus intrandi. 2.v. 8 vo . 2. cop.
Brownlow’s brevia judicialia. fol.
Brownlow’s entries.
Brownlow’s declarations.
Brownlow’s entries. fol. 2. cop.
Clift’s entries [. . .]
Coke’s entries. fol. 2. cop.
Hansar’s entries. fol.
Levintz’s entries. fol.
Lilly’s entries. Eng. Lat. fol. 2.v. 8 vo .
id. . . . Eng.
Moyle’s entries p. 4 to .

1783 Catalog - page 108

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