1783 Catalog - page 106

Jacob’s Law dict by Ruffhead. fol.
Jacob’s Law dict. abridged. 8 vo .
\ ✓.
Cuningham’s Law dict. 2.v. fol.
Statutes at large. 7.v. fol.
Rastall’s collection of statutes. fol.
Manby’s stat. of Car. I. & IId. fol.
Cart[. . .] P[. . .] fol.
Review of the statutes. 8 vo .
Wingate’s abr. of the statutes. 8 vo . 2.copies
Washington’s abr. of the statutes. 2.v. 8 vo .
Jacob’s Statute law commonplaced. 8 vo .
M.S. laws of Virginia. of 1623/4.
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1629. Oct. 16.-1633. Aug. 21.
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1639. Jan. 6.-1642. Apr. 1.
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1642/3 Mar. 2. –1661/2 Mar. 23.
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1660/1 Mar. 23.-
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1661/2 Mar. 23.-1702. Aug. 14.
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1662. Dec. 23.-1697. Oct. 21.
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1662. Dec. 23.-1699. Apr. 27.
[M.S. laws of Virginia 1684. Apr. 16.-1692. Apr. 1. App. to Pervis]
M.S. laws of Virginia. 1705. Oct. 25.
M.S. laws of Virginia 1705. Oct. 25.-1711. Nov. 7.
M.S. [. . .] complete of the inedited laws of Virginia.
✓. ✓.✓.
Pervis’s collection of the Virginia laws. 1661/2 Mar. 23.-1682. Nov. 10.
✓. ✓.✓.
Collection of Virginia laws.1661/2 Mar. 23.-1732. May 18
✓. ✓.✓.
Revisal of Virginia laws.1661/2 Mar. 23.-1748. Oct. 27.
✓. ✓.✓.
Acts of assembly of Virginia. 1661/2 Mar. 23.-1768. Mar. 31.
Supplement [. . .] the revised [. . .] 1733
Collection of Virginia laws from the American Revolution
Collection of acts & ordinances. by the Chancellors. 1783. fol.

1783 Catalog - page 106

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