1783 Catalog - page 102

Common law.
Lin[. . .] Codex legum antiquarum. fol.
Stjernhook du jure Gothorum, Suenonum &c.
Speculum [. . .]icum.
Leges Divine.
Jus [. . .].
Sp[. . .] .
T[. . .] P[. . .] [Sueciae?] Gryph[. . .].
Legis [Sueciae] H[. . .] 1713.
P[. . .]s.
[Essais?] de J[. . .] de Gaspard Thaumas de La Thaumassiere.
Le coutumes [. . .] de Berry with the commentary of Gaspard Thaumas de La Thaumassiere.
La[. . .] dia.
S[. . .] juris feudalis.
Hist[. . .] illustres.
Libro feudorum
Cragii Jus feudale. fol.
Boehmeri principia juri feudalis.
Brompton’s antient law 4 [. . .] 4 to .
Lambard’s Archaionomia. Sax. Lat. fol.
Wilkins’s leges Anglo-Saxonicae. Sax. Lat. fol.
[Wilkins?] leges W[illiam] [. . .] fol
Glanvil. 12 mo . 2.cop.
Bracton. 4 to . id folio.
Fleta. 4 to .
Britton. by Wingate. 12 mo .
Houard sur les coutumes Anglo-Normands. 4.v. 4 to .
(a) >
[ed. TJ indicated here the insertion of the two works from the next page.]
Fitzherbert’s abridgment p. fol. Tottell. 1577.
[Broke’s] tables to Fitzh. abr. fol.
Broke’s graunde abr. 4 to .
Finch’s law. 8 vo . ✓ the Doctor & Student by St Germain. 12 mo .
Perkins 12 mo . -- id. p.f.
Les tenures de Monsr. Littleton. p.f.

1783 Catalog - page 102

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