Volume I : page 541

Counties in England. Also, the Method of preserving Liquors in the Cask, and Directions to be observed in Bottling them. In Three Parts. To which is added, A Supplement. By a Person formerly concerned in a Publick Brewhouse in London. The Sixth Edition. London: Printed for T. Astley; and Sold by R. Baldwin, jun., 1750.
8vo. 3 parts in 1. 180 leaves, separate title-page for each of the 3 parts and the Supplement; advertisement of Ellis’s Compleat System of Experienced Improvements , 1750, on the verso of A 4 at the beginning, and 8 leaves of publisher’s advertisements at the end.
Schoellhorn, Bibliographie des Brauwesens, page 242, no. 56.
This book was used by Jefferson for the brewing at Monticello. On September 17, 1813, he wrote to Captain Merewether: “ I lent you some time ago the London & Country brewer and Cambrun’s book [q.v. no. 1206] on the same subject. we are this day beginning, under the directions of Capt Millar, the business of brewing Malt liquors, and if these books are no longer useful to you I will thank you for them, as we may perhaps be able to derive some information from them. Accpet the assurance of my respect & consideration.
William Ellis, c. 1700-1758, English writer on agriculture. The first edition of this work was published in 1735.
Richardson’s Philosoph l. principles of brewing. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 51. no. 84, as above.
The Philosophical Principles of the Science of Brewing; containing Theoretic Hints on an Improved Practice of Brewing Malt-Liquors; and Statical Estimates of the Materials for Brewing, or a Treatise on the Application and Use of the Saccharometer; being New Editions, corrected, of those Treatises, with the Addition of the Use of the Saccharometer Simplified, &c. &c. By John Richardson. York: Printed by A. Ward, for G. G. and J. Robinson, London; T. Browne, Hull; C. Elliot, Edinburgh; Luke White, Dublin; and T. White, Cork, 1788.
TP569 .R5
First Complete Edition. 8vo. in fours. 190 leaves, engraved folded plate as frontispiece by Morris after J. Richardson; the titles for the earlier separate editions of some of the treatises included.
Not in Lowndes.
Schoellhorn, Bibliographie des Brauwesens, page 244, no. 90.
John Richardson, fl. 1790, was a native of Hull, England. He is the earliest writer to treat scientifically of the processes of brewing, and the first to bring to the knowledge of brewers the use of the saccharometer.
Combrun’s theory & practice of brewing. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 51. no. 83, as above.
COMBRUNE, Michael.
The Theory and Practice of brewing. By Michael Combrune . . . A new edition, corrected and greatly enlarged by the author. London: Printed for Vernor and Hood [and others], by J. Wright, 1804.

Volume I : page 541

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